This is really getting out of control.....I have no idea why this happens multiple times a day, but i'm guessing it's just a massive build up of fear and thus, adrenaline). Anyone have any tips or can relate? I'm not actually sick, but my whole stomach heaves.....much love to all my fellow anxiety warriors. ❤❤
Dry Retching: This is really getting out of... - Anxiety Support
Dry Retching

Can relate to that Meredyn, mine comes and
Goes now but used to get it all the time, like you just dry retching x
Oh bless you, dear heart! I have been reading all your posts (even when I don't comment as usually trying to deal with my own panic). You're an amazing lady - you NEVER give up and keep on pushing yourself to face and accept this every day. I am truly inspired by you. Much love!!😃❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you, you’re a sweetie, I do try hard, Its not easy is it, but we CAN do it.
Hugs ❤️❤️ x
I really tried today! Inspired by you. ☺ I know I didn't go out alone as Hubby was with me, but made it to Tesco to do a big shop, Starbucks after and TX Maxx and Halfords without having a major meltdown panic wise. I have no idea what it is, but i'm guessing it's the lighting in big shops, lots of people and feeling 'exposed' that usually sets it off for me - although having said that, being alone at home is by far my worst trigger.....oh, and that hideous waking up with panic thing every single morning. That's usually when the dry retching kicks off, first thing. I know Agora explained that this is when our cortisol - the stress hormone - is the highest. God bless Agora, too - she explains things so well and is so full of help and knowledge through her own experiences. We do indeed keep trying! I hope your own day today has been a good one so far. Much love!❤❤❤
You did really well! I prefer going out with someone but it’s not always possible, sometimes you feel like you’re in a no win situation, but I’m beginning to learn that the more I focus on it the worse it seems. Yes Angora is great at explaining things. Not been too bad my granddaughter stayed so we went walking in the park and took photos of the ducks some butterflies and dragon flies by the lake. I havent been there on my own as I prefer to chat to someone.
Love Sam ❤️xx
Oh, i'm so glad you had a nice time with your Granddaughter Sam! That sounds much more like my kind of afternoon - much better than hairing around the shops. You are so right about focusing on things - a very bad trap that I've fallen into. I was thinking about possibly trying to volunteer in a charity shop nearby for a few hours - it would give me a sense of purpose to leave the house by myself and it really isn't far to walk by myself. I know they are a nice bunch in there too as my friend had a serious breakdown and volunteering there was a 'stepping stone' for her to moving on to being able to do other things and eventually, a part time job. Isolation is DEFINITELY the enemy, I've found - now I just need to find the courage to take that first step! Hope you're having a relaxing evening. Sending love!❤
I feel the exact same I start my cbt course next week and see my GP again tonight, it’s just a never ending battle it seems, but it’s worse because where battling with ourselves, I’m sorry I don’t have any tips but when I learn more il be sure to let you know, I’ve felt so nervous since getting up this morning my stomach turning all for nothing really but in my head my body seems to think it’s going to war so it seems scary if you no what I mean, just a horrible horrible feeling, really hope you find the answers your looking

Shaun, I identify so well with everything you're saying! I hope your appointment went well with your GP - I'm guessing that's where you are just now, so please do let me know how you got on won't you? I hope it's a positive appointment for you.☺ How long is your CBT course going to run for? I've been on the waiting list for trauma therapy for 15 months now.....we have a real shortage of psychologists here at the moment.
Hi meredyn, my appointment went really well thanks for asking she has decided to put me on citalopram 20mg which I have to take 1 tablet half hour before bed every night, but I need to apologise because I said I start my CBT next week but I’m on the waiting list for that also, sorry I got confused this is all new to me and very scary but while I’m on the waiting list I’m going on a 4 week stress control course so i shall keep you updated on how it goes, just really need to get this sorted because it’s beginning to ruin my life literally at the seems! Last night had no sleep what so ever woke up feeling so sick shaky and trembly I’ve started to calm down a little now think I need to go for a little walk or something, really hope your day has started as good as can be 😊
What is that?
Hi ‘want2BHappy3’ what is what?

Dry Retching? I've never heard of that before
It’s like your balking and been sick but nothing really there to come up, I do it most mornings due to high anxiety

Oh, I get like that when I don't get enough sleep. I have innsomia, it's after 4 and I'm awake. I actually fell asleep, a bit, then my daughter woke me up she to watch my grandson, she had to go to work early. I screamed when she physically had to wake me. Now I can't go back to sleep 😖
Oh no that’s not good are you on medication for your insomnia? Hope your feeling a little better now, I need to go for a walk try and get rid of some of this negativity out of my head I think, just wish I felt hungry to eat can’t even force anything down. This reply was meant for Want2BHappy.