Hi everyone ,just wondering if anyone suffers from dry gagging due to anxiety? Ive had social anxiety for years but probably like a lot of people suffered in silence .Im 57 now ,but can remember going back years being in crowded places always freaked me out & even more so enclosed rooms ie churches at weddings etc .I was always looking for an escape as thought i might be sick ( don’t know why! ) I always got through these situations one way or another .I am a very social person & have a lovely family & friends but these last few years have been a nightmare ,every social event i go to i get so anxious the dry gagging starts first thing in morning ( if I’m out in the eve)& gets so bad now I’ve cancelled a few social things .Even getting on a plane now i get anxious & this fear of gagging happens .Ive had a session of CBT but was good to talk ,but didn’t really help .I take a motilium tablet ( anti sickness)if it gets intense ,which it has lately ,my children are very supportive as are a few of my work friends but it is so frustrating ! Ive been divorced 10 years & trying to have a relationship with this is near impossible as you can imagine what happens going on a date ! Just wondering if anyone else suffers like i do ?
Anxiety & dry gagging : Hi everyone ,just... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety & dry gagging

My doctor put me paroxetine 25 years ago for the very same thing.it takes a while & But it stops my panic attacks but also I've found tai chi is marvellousfor calming nerves.you feel fab once you do it.i.m under extreme pressure at home at the moment but an hour at tai chi is incredible so I bought a d v d of it to do at home too.x
Hiya I can totally relate to this, I suffer bad anxiety tooband whenever I am out I’m always looking & making sure I know where the exits are & toilets for fear of being sick, I’ve had this years now, enclosed places too I loathe, shopping centres are a no no only some of them, small lifts, planes too, but like you I’ve always been ok, crowded airports, but I still go on holiday as I don’t want to let it beat me, some weeks I just don’t go out the house, I like my comfort zone, I’m not in a relationship, I was a year ago, but don’t feel ready at all for another one, I’m very social too and have many friends and my wonderful Mum (I live with her) I don’t gag just have a fear of being sick in public but it does take over your life, but as you said you’ve always been ok same as me, I’ll be honest and it does help I carry a small carrier bag inside my handbag just in case I am sick, I always carry a bottle of water too & mints, I know it may sound strange, but it’s just those little comforts for me each time I’m out, as for the weddings etc I’m Def the same, when the Doors close, panic sets in, but it’s like that anywhere, planes are the worst as you can’t get off into the fresh air, I hope you get better and I’ve kind of helped, sorry for the long message but I’ve not been on here for ages either and I saw your post, and thought that’s totally me too, 😕 I hope you get better, you’re not alone x
Hi shazzamattaz thank you for your reply & sorry your suffering like me .I do similar things as you the water etc i usually have sparkling which helps .Im ok in shopping centres as know i can just leave whenever i want ,but planes are a nightmare especially once strapped in on take off .Thank you again for replying at least i know I’m not alone in feeling like this xx
Yes I suffer with this and like you it is ruining my social life.
I have just been away for a weekend with my grandsons which I normally love, I make myself go and I felt terrible all the time, I had to stay in the hotel while the rest of the family went to dinner, so upsetting.
Like you I take the same drug, doesn't always help though. And I am waiting for CBT, but not holding out too much hope.
My sister had this for two years with terrible neck and back tension, as I do. She told me that one day it just went away...
Let's hope eh! Sorry you are feeling so awful, but you are not alone x
Hi Gstar1961
I suffer exactly the same and its horrible. I have suffered for most of my life. Like you if I have an engagement I feel ill and gagging all day and now with the world as it is I am gagging on and off most days. I have started taking CBD oil which I am hoping will help but its early days yet. I dont really want to take prescription medication at the moment. I find chewing gum helps also. You feel that you are the only person suffering with this and no one will understand.