So, I have been walking 6 miles a day 6 to 7 times per week. Now that it's cold I still walk. My right eye is bothering me. It feels like there is a coating over it. I went to my eye dr. He said it looks like and sounds like dry eye due to the weather. Cold and windy. He gave me eye drops. He checked my eyes really well. He wants me to come back Tuesday. He said if this isn't better then he will dilate my eyes. The eye drops are helping but not 100%. I walked in the cold today. 12 degrees. When I got done my right eye really bothered me. Blurry vision and like a tint of film over it. I'm freaking out of course because my anxiety has kicked in. I have a ton of stressors goin g on right now. My mom just got out of the hospital day b4 Christmas then went to rehab and just got home Thursday. Neither her or my dad is in good health. They are 84 and 85 and live in their own home. My sister and I both have been doing daily things for them, drs apots, errands, store, helping her bathe, laundry, cleaning etc. Has anyone else dealt with a dry eye that affects their vision? In overly worried I'm sure. When stress is in my life I get anxiety over everything. Please help. Thanks!!
Dry eye: So, I have been walking 6 miles a... - Anxiety Support
Dry eye

Check to see if an eyebrow lash is touching the eye. That happened to me and I went to the doctor who prescrbed medicine. All I needed to do was to pull out the offending eyebrow hair. Next, if that's not the problem, put a very hot damp cloth on your eyelids to melt any wax that may be clogging your tear ducts, and gently rub the lids with the cloth. That's what my doctor recommended, to do it for the rest of my life. It works. Good luck.
I have that. I’ve been walking this week too in the 30’s and 40’s outside. My eyes run like I’m crying and then my eyes feel goopy somehow all the time after like, like my tears and thicker now. It’s nothing serious.
After 4 days of using natural tears my vision has not improved. My Dr. Is sending me to a retinolgist next week to have him evaluate my right eye. My eyes don't water when walking. The temps have been in the low teens to mid 20's. He dilated my eyes and seen a small cataract. I'm only 57 but he said he has sent 10 people younger than me to the retinologist in the past 6 Mos. I'm worried. I keep asking myself what have I have done differently. Walking in the cold is about the only thing that has changed, besides me no longer drinking diet pop and switched to decaffeinated coffee. Trying to keep anxiety out of the picture, but it's hard especially with everything else going on with my elderly parents. My hope is that I go and they just give me some eye drops for something minor.
Ok so I went to the Retinologist today at Wolfe clinic. I was hoping for a simple cataract but nope. I have to have eye surgery Tuesday. Apparently I have scar tissue on my retina. How, well apparently as you get older the gel in your eye becomes thinner. If you have or have had floaters, sometimes they can attach to your retina causing scar tissue and in turn cause some blurriness and make your sight a little dimmer than normal. I'm scared out of my wits!! I have anxiety anyway but now it's through the roof. I'm so stressed out with taking care of my elderly parents that I just don't have time for this. Encouraging words will help. Please respond.
I was going for walks outside just about every day. Now that we’re hitting January it’s getting very cold and windy where I live. Not to mention icy sidewalks. Today I’m staying in and keeping warm. I happen to live in Michigan, USA, winter is not the greatest here in January and February. Wish I could take a vacation to the Bahamas or something like that.