So scared rn! Feels like my body goes numb and then I feel like I’m not here! It’s the scariest feeling ever. People have been dying around me and I’m so scared of it. I’m scared I’m dead too but it’s probably just my mind
Scared of death: So scared rn! Feels like my... - Anxiety Support
Scared of death

Hi this is dissociation and is quite common. It is your mind protecting itself from too much pain. It is scary but won't do you any harm. You need to look into why you need to do this though and deal with any issues. x
WhT do you mean?
When we are faced with distressing situations it's common to feel numb as this is your mind protecting itself. It dissociates to give us relief from the pain. Usually this is caused because you have problems ie anxiety and depression can cause it so you need to tackle what is causing these symptoms. Maybe counselling would help?
There is lots of info online so why not have a google? Oh and by the way you are not dead coz I know I'm not and I can see and respond to your post. x
I see! So my body going numb is protecting itself? And yes I’m gonna see a therapist soon! And ok haha thank you for the reassurance!
I have this several times a week. It's scary but I'm still here to write this so know it's due to anxiety. I actually feel like I have died and often wake up with racing heart, shaking and sweaty. I have even sent texts to my son telling him I love him. I must have a scrambled brain. 🙄😏 Know you're not alone.
Relax. You are experiencing nothing new. It seems so to you - but count yourself in with the rest of humanity. Anxiety does seemingly odd things that - in the end mean nothing. Just accept it for now - however odd you feel. Trust me- you are OK. DON'T LISTEN to all the noise you hear from people. I've been there and done that and know what I'm talking about.