Been on 15mg mirtizapine for 8 days and am experiencing dreadful anxiety which is hard to cope with. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know whether to stop it or carry on, but so scared it might get worse.
Mirtizapine help: Been on 15mg mirtizapine... - Anxiety Support
Mirtizapine help

hi ive been on 45mg for years never had any bad side effects at all.these things usually do happen though and can take between 4-8 weeks before things settle down.if you still experience the side effects after 8 weeks then go back to your gp but if it becomes unbearable then go back sooner.
not sure although if had been off them a good period of time it might just be like taking it for the first time and your experiencing different side effects.
Yes, that's what I thought. Think I will try another week or so on them.
I’ve been on them 12 weeks now, 4 weeks at a higher dose of 30mg, I’ve been getting really bad headaches for weeks but the doctor says it’s my anxiety and has told me to take propranolol 3 times a day to help with this , I’m honestly not sure if there doing much good because I’m still really anxious , we are flying out to Dubai tonight for a week and I’m dreading it, wish I wasn’t going , any normal person would be so excited , my gp told me it’s going to take time for the higher dose to kick in and stick with them , I’m also on the waiting list for counselling but that is going to take months , I hope you start to see an improvement soon
I know exactly how you feel, I don't feel I can cope with anything or go anywhere. I do hope you can enjoy your time In Dubai, this might really be good for you and be a blessing in disguise. I am going to give the mirt. one more week and if there is no improvement will ask to try something else x
I’ve been on them 10 weeks now. I tried citalopram first but that sent my anxiety to an extreme that I went to hospital 4 times. I was put on mirtazapine 15mg and lorazepam. Then I went up to 30mg. I had extreme tiredness, dizziness, weird dreams and anxiety. This all wore off quite quickly although it didn’t seem like it at the time. After about 2 weeks I started to feel it lift a bit. It does get better.
I’m thinking of upping my dose again as I’ve got some life issues I’m finding hard to deal with.
Hope this helps a little x
So pleased the mirt worked for you, am really hoping that it will start helping me but at the moment the anxiety is dreadful. I have been on so many other antidepressants which either did not work or caused dreadful side effects that I'm wondering whether anything will help me. Citslopram was one of the worst for me also x
I’ve read that a lot of people didn’t get on with other antidepressants but they did with mirtazapine. I think when we take antidepressants we want it to work quickly and are too in tune with everything going on in the body which make the side effects even worse.
The second week of taking mirt, I thought I was really losing it. I felt confused but paralysed by the anxiety, like I didn’t know what I should do next, it was so weird and scary. X
Was exactly the same for me - anxiety was unbearable but after 3 weeks on Mirt it started to really help and so much better now. But I stayed on a lower 15mg dose. Doc said lower dose better for anxiety but higher dose if really depressed.
I couldn't take the mirtazapine as it made my restless leg syndrom symptoms unbearable.
After years on zolft it stopped working and i had a downward spiral.
Tried cymbalta but after 2 doses i felt wired and was awake for 72 hours.
Now I'm taking a very small dose of seroquel at night (25mg) which helps my anxiety and sleep.
I take lamictal (150mg) now too.
Oh, and I'm also on gabapentin. Originally for nerve related pain but now my psych prescribes them for anxiety.
Its been about 6 months and I'm feeling quite well.
I wish the medical community would take mental health more seriously.
Scads of stories on here about people in extreme distress being dismissed at hospitals and dr offices.
It's outrageous and really makes me angry.
I hope the meds kick in and you feel better soon!
I totally agree with you, it's almost making people with mental health problems feel embarrassed and ashamed about something that is not their fault.
So glad that you are now on medication that helps you. I guess it's a matter of trial and error with a lot of suffering in between without any help from the so called professionals.