It’s been a while since my anxiety has been almost this unbearable again. I’m always worrying about something my brain will just stick with one thing no matter if it’s even out of my control like death and the fear of the un known and frankly that’s some of my biggest demons are thinking about all of that I try and distract myself but the thought always come back every couple months it’s like repeat I know I can’t change it and it’s irrational to think like that all the time I was just wondering if anyone could offer advice over the last year I’ve become such a pessimist ever since I graduate high school a year ago and I hate myself because of it. I don’t know what to do I graduated highschool with like no one I’m in the real world now and it’s even more scary I just wish to be happy again. Does anyone have any advice?
Always Worrying about something - Anxiety Support
Always Worrying about something

Graduating and being in the "real world" can be anxiety provoking for sure. All I can tell you is to meditate and just roll with all that comes your way. This too shall pass.
Hi Adamj, my advice is to follow the advice of both Wizardsmom and Hollick in that
"this too shall pass" and I'll throw in what I've known to be true "the best is yet to be" xx
Distractions are good for Anxiety & Depression. Whether it's eating,excerisize or doing something that you like. The others are Therapy,Medications and having a good support network. Chatting in this Forum also helps! Some days can be good and others a little more challenging . Writing Journal's are good because they allow you to vent life's frustrations and Victories! 😁 We are here to help you 🤗😊
I have taken control of my thoughts and "arrest and investigate" them.
With anxiety, I know it is not that easy, but it is possible.
I think about what I'm thinking about and then "test" it against what experts say and also with my previuos experiance.
I wtire down what I feel when I get anxiety, I look at it after the anxiety has passed and then also when I get anxiety again.
I then "prove" to myself that it is only anxiety.
It'snot always easy but I agree "this too shall pass..."
now you're worrying about worrying...... ha
You are human with feelings, that's a good thing. You care about things and you will do well in life if you put your mind to good use . look forward, not back and find your true joy in life. Help others, Smile and relax. All the best to you