Hello, I was wondering if anyone has faced this sort of problem before and how they overcame it because I’ve rather reached a stumbling block!
I have a horrible anxiety disorder which I have been working on destroying for a couple of years now, and I’ve decided to try and do the couch to 5k programme, but I have found that whenever my heart rate exceeds a certain level, my body reacts and goes into panic attack mode - I can’t breathe, I feel dizzy and I feel like I’m having a heart attack (I will point out that these reactions far exceed what would be the expected effect of exercise on an unfit person, for clarification). It’s very annoying. It’s like my body has associated an elevated heart rate with a panic attack and so automatically ‘prepares for impact’.
Has anyone experienced something like this before? Or had any luck with ‘re-wiring’ their brain/body to not do this? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!