So here I am again.... Fearing a heart attack. 13 months ago I had every test done on my heart and all tests came back great but I still have fear. Can a heart attack happen even if all my tests came back good a year ago? Please help me. I need comfort.
Afraid of having a heart attack! - Anxiety Support
Afraid of having a heart attack!

U will be fine. U are in a negative thought pattern. Focusing can help u right now. Pick out 5 objects around u, focus on one at a time. The shape, colour, smell , touch.
Write down 5 things about each object.
Breath deeply and slowly. Focusing will calm u down. U looked into CBT.
U might find it beneficial. Hope u had a good Christmas . Remember u control ur thoughts, they don’t control u ☃️🎄
Thank you. I will try that. I've been stuck in this negative thinking for almost 2 weeks. It's hard to handle sometimes. I hope your Christmas was good as well
I had a mad Christmas, I’m never organised, but I like it that way. Suits my personality 🍀
I had a scare 3 yrs ago, and am lucky to be here at all. I have since then done heaps of thinking, it’s certainly a journey I am embracing. it has made me appreciate every memory made and more to come ( I hope)
I realise know I was suffering from anxiety, which sounds strange because I don’t believe I am suffering now.
I believe my saving grace was educating myself. The more I read, the better I understood what makes me, me.
A website that I find useful is : exploring your mind. Have a look at it, it may help.
Also start to keep a diary, u might be able to figure out what triggers you.
Start to see your own thought pattern and start to challenge your negative thoughts. New year soon, let’s make it a brilliant one 🎉🎉🎉
If you’ve had all the tests done it should have picked up any issues/irregularities. I get ectopic heartbeats and saw a cardiologist in 2015. At their worst I’ve had them 24/7 for three months solid. I kept fearing I’d have a cardiac arrest but the cardiologist said they’re common and not to worry. When I get them now, I try not to worry and they go away quicker.
If you’ve got no issues and tests are all clear I’d say try not to think about it as it’s all ok. Try some mindful meditation, that helps me.

I feel they are worse when I worry but I get stuck in that pattern. I hate anxiety. I will try it thank you.
A heart attacks is always on my mind as well. It is exhausting, isn’t? I’ve been trying to figure out the triggers for my anxiety as I know it is an anxiety. However, it doesn’t make me feel better when I’m convinced that my heart is going to stop lol. I’m trying to remind myself that normally I’m having a worrying thought before i get heart attacks symptoms. This is slightly reassuring. At the same time, being constantly worried makes me feel down and frustrated and this causes my heart rate to go up etc.
if you have all your tests done then this should be reassuring. Think about it this had your tests done, everything is keep focusing on that. There’s nothing more your doctors can do to reassure you. If your brain cannot accept this information (I’m saying this because my brain doesn’t accept certain information) then you should work on your anxiety and start facing your fears. I’ve been doing this for ages now and it’s a long boring challenging and god painful process. But it’s the only way...good luck and I’m sure you’ll be fine xx

Thank you! It's hard to believe everything is ok when the physical symptoms are there but yes my tests are good. I need to accept it.
Oh yeah and it’s so easy to say “I need to accept, isn’t” 😂. I keep saying this to myself and still....The main thing to accept is the fact that we are having an anxiety and not a heart condition (as long as you have it all checked, of course). As I said it’s a tough journey but it’s reassuring that you aren’t alone and there’re so many people who are going through the same thing....
Google health anxiety and you will find that your fears are founded only in anxiety and it should help to convince yourself that you have no underlying health condition that predisposes you to a heart attack. That fear you have IS only anxiety, nothing more, and it cannot harm you. Be well!
Why don't you move into prevention and that will take away your fear. Magnesium is a supplement that will help alot in this area and is one supplement that is advised by cardiologist to supplement with. A magnesium oil or a supplement, Chelated Magnesium such as magnesium glycinate or magnesium turate would be good. Stay away from oxide ( read ingredients ) as it is poorly absorbed by the body, you'll not regret it
Hmm. How many mg do you think would work? Can I find it at the store?
With an oil you just spray it on your arm and rub it in, a couple of sprays twice a day would be good enough, oil is cheaper and lasts longer. You can get it from a health food shop or Amazon. I'd not take Calm as it can cause the runs in some as it's magnesium citrate which draws water into the intestine. Magnesium glycinate is very good for the heart, anxiety and depression too. Half a tablet twice a day is good enough 100mg a day, you can buy it from Amazon, Drs best Chelated Magnesium is the best and only brand you should take.
I have the same fear. My dr recommended magnesium as well. I take Calm powder
Hi there as you've already said you've had all the tests don't but your inability to trust the results will make your anxiety worse you really need to learn to trust the doctors and as I think you may be doing don't be googling heart attacks as I've found out that makes you worry more! Take care and all the best david
I've moved on from googling heart attacks. It definitely didnt help with my heart anxieties. My fears are that something could happen to my heart even after being checked. Im confident that my hearts good but my anxiety is making mr second guess things.
i'm so sorry you feel this way. when I was little the same kind of thing happened to me and I had loads of tests done as my family thought I was so ill but it was all due to the symptoms that my anxiety showcased. try to remind yourself that although the fear is real, it is irrational and there is very likely nothing wrong with you physically. things like meditation and yoga may help if you haven't tried them already. I also find reading helps calm me down sometimes. I hope this helped to comfort you and I hope you had a lovely Christmas. remember to breathe and remind yourself that you are okay!!