Whenever I'm stressed out and anxious about something I get very unsettled to the point where I can't eat, I can't drink, I can't sleep, I can't do anything until something happens to help resolve what it is I'm stressing about and sometimes I don't even know whats causing me to feel so anxious all the time.
Recently I had a meeting with 3 housing officials where I live regarding some bullying that has been happening to me from another resident. It's sheltered housing and everyone here is over 55. I'm 62 and the person who's been bullying me is 72.
Anyway, to get back on track and to my point, I literally couldn't do anything for the days preceding the meeting from the day I was told of the date of the meeting. The anxiety takes over me completely. It's like I just stop functioning and all I can do is keep going over things in my mind and it feels like I'm going crazy. This along with stomach anxiety cramps that are there all the time and the above symptoms already mentioned along with others.
I just seem to stop functioning properly. I've described it in the past as....... If I'm a fuse board with 20 fuses ( Each representing a function ) ....... 19 fuses have blown and the last fuse is half blown and I'm hanging on by a thread...... I can't focus and I seem incapable of most functionality traits.
After the aforementioned meeting I seem to get some functionality back but it takes a while and usually something else occurs to rock the boat again and the fuses again start blowing...... I never get to the point where all 20 fuses are functioning properly.
I was just wondering if anyone else also experiences this sort of diminishing functionality brought on by anxiety ?