I have been really good the last month nearly . Was outside playing with my dog then all of a sudden I felt yucky , weird . Felt like I wanted to vomit . Must admit my heart rate was up a bit most of the morning . I went inside and My body had tingling going through it and I had to use my bowels a few times . I checked my bp it was up a bit but not to bad 57/91 . I went and laced down , but my mind wouldn’t stop thinking the worst and the body sensations where just yuck . Later on Cooke tea and had 2 mouthfullls , felt like I wanted to vomit . When I eventually went to bed , my body was buzzing . I eventually took a Kalma (xanax) . I slept not to bad . But I have woken still feeling a bit sick . Is this anxiety in another form ? Anyone else get this ?
Feeling just yuck : I have been really good... - Anxiety Support
Feeling just yuck

I'm sorry you're feeling yucky. It's anxiety doing what it does best...pays a visit out of nowhere and can leave you feeling all kinds of weird stuff. Going through this myself. Was good for a few weeks then, boom. Things at work have been really stressful which doesn't help. I'm sure it's anxiety and nothing serious. Anxiety loves to try and fool us into catastrophic thinking that something serious is wrong. We're all here to support you.

Lovemybear I can honestly say my stress levels are really good . That’s prob why it’s out to get me. The symptoms it can cause are just horrible . I just feel like curling up in bed . Thanx for your reply x

I often feel like this I have bouts when I feel like I am going to be sick I use lemon and ginger tea and have a tens machine which helps to relax all my muscles Gail
It is also possible you have a virus, possibly a stomach virus. With cooler weather things start going around.
If the 57 over 91 is your blood pressure that top number is very low. I was on a beta blocker which dropped my blood pressure and heart rate too low, I do not take it now. I know what anxiety feels like because I,ve had it for many years and it can be hell, I feel very sorry for you.

Sorry it was 157 .