Does anyone deal with Morning anxiety. It is so difficult for me to go from sleeping to awaking without anxiety. It often paralyzes me. It’s so hard to get going and start my day. Help please!
Morning anxiety : Does anyone deal with... - Anxiety Support
Morning anxiety

Good Morning Dmcfnp58, it's that time of day again to rise and shine. (Well maybe not shine right away) I would definitely say there are more people waking up anxious then going to sleep with anxiety each day It's not a comfortable feeling for sure but a feeling that lets our body know we are alive. It's our body's way of preparing for a new day, new challenges and it scares us. More than anything else, anxiety doesn't like surprises which ends up keeping us cautious upon awakening until we can pretty well be sure we are going to float through this day like others in the past. At that time, our over sensitized nervous system calms down.
The thing is not to allow it to paralyze you with fear. Accept it, move your muscles and rethink your thoughts into a more positive thought in going forward. When I wake up, I immediately start to listen to my meditation and do my deep breathing. It better prepares me for the day ahead. Breaking mundane routines in the morning are helpful as well. Making sure you hydrate, start the day with some sustenance and never stay in pjs and robe for too long. Washing, dressing and preparing to greet the day even if not going anywhere, tricks the mind into believing you will not have anxiety control you.
I come onto the forum and put my energies into others while I respond and deep breathe. As I engage in refocusing my mind on something other than myself, the adrenaline levels come down and before long morning anxiety is no longer a challenge. Know that you are safe, you are going to be okay, it just takes a little retraining and practice. Make it a great day Dmcfnp and kick anxiety to the curb. xx
I do appreciate everything you said! I have been listening to meditation on U tube. I feel that is helpful. I know the cycle needs to get broken. I tend to obsess about my depression and anxiety way too much but I often feel like it is beyond my control, that’s why I am on meds. But adjusting them and that takes a lot of time and patience getting through the lousy feelings!
Good Morning Dmcfnp. Once again that most difficult part of the day is here. This is where the support from others can help you get through. It is not easy by any means. It's a slow process. It's okay to use meds to help us through. The feeling that it is beyond your control is because it is about chemicals (Cortisol and Adrenaline levels) being higher in the morning. It is not your imagination. Medication help is about the right med and the right dose and all this does take time and patience.
Don't beat yourself down. One small step at a time still gets us to our goal of lower anxiety.
We are here for you. Sending you a virtual hug. It's going to be okay. xx
I can relate to this and for me it helps to just get up and start my day, it usually tapers down when I have breakfast.
I do some morning mantras right when I wake up. I tell myself things that I am specifically targeting: I am safe. I am secure. I can manage what's coming my way. I keep repeating this. Then I do a body scan (mindfulness activity) you can find this on YouTube. This grounds me. Then I turn on the morning news to put me in check with "reality" as much as the news is! And then I get going and it helps quite a bit.
Thanks for all of your support. It’s so good to know I am not alone!