My unofficial diagnosis: Hello my name is... - Anxiety Support

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My unofficial diagnosis

Smc213 profile image
21 Replies

Hello my name is Sara. I have not gone to a psychologist but about a month ago I began getting panic attacks and since then I constantly feel like there is something wrong with me . So right now I'm looking for help and will accept any offered to me . Everyday is a constant struggle for me . So please I'm am hoping this will help me.

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Smc213 profile image
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21 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Sara and Welcome :) xx

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to Agora1

Thank you!!!

Jane1989 profile image

Hi sara

Maybe try going to speak with a therapist or something..

Anxiety and panic attacks can make you feel like something is seriously wrong with you and it can be a daily struggle trying to cope with this..

Speaking to someone can help you understand what is happening and they can give you techniques on how to calm yourself etc..

Deep breathing and muscle relaxation etc are some of the things used..

Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms some of which are terrifying but by identifying them it makes it easier to deal with. Sometimes new symptoms can come out of no where even when you aren’t feeling anxious which can start the vicious circle all over again.

Even just chatting to people who are going through something similar can be a comfort. And identifying what caused your panic attack and taking it from there..

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to Jane1989

I'm not having them as often but I also think maybe I have depression because since the anxiety started I was able to stay positive and not let it get to me as much but lately I've been feeling worn down and exhausted. I am already actively searching for a therapist but there is so much doubt about everything that I feel hopeless. I'm trying to stay positive but it is so difficult.

Catoe67 profile image
Catoe67 in reply to Smc213

Hey, I have had 4 years of dealing with panic disorder and the attacks. The worn out feeling is probably just that. Anxiety will physically wear you out. Due to the adrenal response, the tension, and the stress it can really take a lot out of you. I've had the depression stage because of all the new symptoms, the fear of wrong diagnoses, everything really.

It might be a mental illness but it's 80 percent physical. Take consolation in that panic attacks do not kill. I've learned to appreciate life and not fear death because the attacks make me feel like I'm dying everytime they occur, yet here I stand at 24.

You aren't alone here, it's scary, it sucks, and it's not fair, but by God it's not going to get better if you don't allow it. Don't fight your symptoms, exercise to burn off some of that adrenaline and help correct some of those imbalances, don't create more stress by worrying when the next will come, you'll know when it happens.

Instead learn calming techniques, I use the grounding technique which I recommend you google, it might be called the 5 senses or whatever. If I can catch my breath I find anyone I can talk to and try to psych mysemf into forgetting the attack. And I can't emphasize this enough: SLEEP. I'm more likely to experience episodes when I'm exhausted or sleep deprived. Whatever you're staying up for is not worth your mental health.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I have to wake up in 3 hours with only an hour and a half nap. I'm wary of tomorrow but I promise you, it'll get better, you'll be stronger for it as well.

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to Catoe67

Thank you so much it's reassuring to here that. I have been getting better in that aspect but lately I have started having disturbing thoughts and those have been a lot harder to deal with. I feel like every single day my anxiety changes. It's hard to stay positive but I figure as it changes I will just have to change with it. Thank you and I hope you sleep well !!

Hithere7O4 profile image

Hi Smc213, I also have panic attacks, or had and I went to see a therapist and it helped. My panic attacks haven’t stroke since April ( my first one was in Jan). The therapist will teach you some tricks for defeating panic attacks. Now I struggle with anxiety cause that is still here, but at least I’m more relaxed about panic attacks subject.

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to Hithere7O4

Have you had any disturbing thoughts or images pass your mind?

Hithere7O4 profile image
Hithere7O4 in reply to Smc213

Yeah, pretty much all the time.

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to Hithere7O4

How do you deal with those , I'm having a really difficult time with reoccurring thoughts. Also I have been having daily mental breakdowns like at least three daily. Any advice?

Hithere7O4 profile image
Hithere7O4 in reply to Smc213

Well, right now I’m fighting again with them but it usually helps( me at least) if you keep yourself busy, like set an activity everyday, try and draw smth, keep a journal, go out, invite your best friend over. But you really need therapy, this chat here won’t cure you. While I was in therapy I adopted all of those ,, distraction” methods and it worked. One month later the bad thoughts were 99% gone.

Think about the fact that you’re not the only one fighting panic attacks and anxiety and how strong you will be afer this fight, it helps.

Sometimes I will stop for a moment and ask myself how I feel when I feel the panic coming on. And 9 out of 10 times I will notice I feel exhausted so I’ll try to lie down and watch something calming on tv. Mute the commercials cause they will scare you into the next century with all the new diseases,drugs,and side effects. Lol.

valentin77 profile image

If you think something is wrong with you physically then get a full medical check up with a Doctor.

If you feel there is something wrong with you psychologically then,just like 99.9% of others you are probably right because of the symptom of unwanted anxiety/panick.

Sometimes unwanted anxiety or panic leaves with you this overall background feeling that 'something very important is just not right'.

(This feeling is usually not based on any truth).

Celenana profile image

One thing that helps me is something I learned from the “Overcoming Anxiety and Depression” program by Lucinda Basset. It’s an at home series of audio/video and workbook excercises. As I feel a panic attack coming on I repeat silently or aloud “it’s just anxiety, it will pass. Nothing bad will happen and it cannot hurt me.” It helps calm me and I can focus on it until the feeling passes. Hang in there. You are not alone💕

bigMac77 profile image

I've been having it for nearly two years... And the 9 month wait for the psychiatrist was nothing but a waste. She knows I want the help and yet every session is the same, nothing getting tried nor suggested just the same old drivel over and over. Am done seeking help... Simply put there ain't any. Hope you get better tho. I'm just to old in the tooth. I'll suffer in silence it's the best thing for me, well it seems that way. Tc

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to bigMac77

bigMac77, I have felt like that most of my life waiting for the therapists to find the magic key to rid myself of my anxiety. There were times I thought it was like burning each check

it cost for a session since nothing but the "same ole, same ole" seemed to come from it.

But I pursued, time after time until I realized I needed to be a part of those sessions. I needed to do my own homework on finding solutions as to what would work for me.

Oh I often wondered, how do they manage patients with more serious mental issues if they can't seem to get anywhere with anxiety.

Once you have heard it all from the therapists, touching base once in a while may help knowing there is a human to listen to you. But all in all, we need to stand tall, be positive, stay strong and go forward learning everything we can about our mental issue. Dissecting what causes the Mind/Body Connection to be so powerful. You Tube has been my "go to" more recently, learning and listening to everything that pertains to my anxiety. I've gotten to the point where meditation and deep breathing as well as Acceptance of Anxiety as part of my life has helped more than weekly sessions with a therapist.

Much of what is on YouTube is done by known professionals in psychotherapy and it's free. Don't give up completely. You so deserve a life w/o stress,. Sharing our journeys with others on the forum can help us not feel so alone as well as give us ideas as to how others keep going forward. bigMac, never give up. Together we will all go forward in our own time and in our own way. Make it a great day bigMac. :) x

bigMac77 profile image
bigMac77 in reply to Agora1

I get you... And thanks for your kind word's am still going to push ahead regardless and who knows my life might just get better but if it don't....I've still had a good run. Thanks again. 👍

Hi Smc213 I feel you on this one, I have social anxiety and do feel trapped at work sometimes, I find doing some deep breaths before a situation may help such as a meeting. Any other tips anyone!

anxiousbayy profile image

I am so sorry you experiencing panic attacks they are the worst!!! I don’t have much advice as currently I can’t control my anxiety.. I constantly feel like I can’t breathe and have bad chest pain.. I feel like I have to force myself to breathe or I’ll stop.. it’s extremely scary !! I started Zoloft yesterday and woke up every 5 minuets gasping for air when I slept and bad heart palpitations... I am currently contemplating going to the ER!!

Smc213 profile image
Smc213 in reply to anxiousbayy

I went in today for intrusive thoughts and I was prescribed Zoloft as well going to start them tomorrow. I was really scared and I just kept crying. I feel a bit better now and maybe we could lean on each other for support. Best of luck to you!!!

Cat33 profile image

Hello Sara I'm so sorry you are suffering like this I understand exactly how you feel I found the DARE book by Barry McDonagh very very good it has helped me more than any other book and believe me I have tried loads Also Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes is loveIy and comforting

The videos by Michael Sealey on You Tube are very relaxing

Wishing you all the best and sending a hug as I know just how horrible it is ☺️

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