It's been a long time but my anxiety found... - Anxiety Support

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It's been a long time but my anxiety found something new

Abbiek99 profile image
29 Replies

It's been a long time since I've been on here but now I'm back with headaches that do not go away. All day everyday. I go to sleep with one I wake up with one. I've been to the doctors four times during which they have told me tension headaches, spondylosis and then finally when I pleaded with her that I was so sure I was dying I have been referred for an mri on my head. I am truly now terrified. It is driving me insane. I am fully convinced I have a brain tumour. I've had these headaches for at least 5 weeks and I have no where else to turn. It won't be long before I completely break down. Please tell me somebody has suffered similar

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Abbiek99 profile image
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29 Replies
lousieraven profile image

I think it’s health anxiety I’m in the similar situation. I’m going for a ultrasound tomorrow morning and the thought of it is driving me crazy. I think i have a tumour in my belly.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to lousieraven

I'm sorry to hear you're in a similar place, I hope the ultra sound goes well I'm sure everything will be okay. It will definitely be health anxiety it's an awful thing it just takes over your life.

lousieraven profile image
lousieraven in reply to Abbiek99

It’s so frustrating. I feel helpless. I don’t want to eat and do anything else. I just want to sleep and wish that everything will be alright but it never worked.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to lousieraven

I'm so sorry. I completely understand you, I sleep all the time because I think I'll feel better when I wake up but I never do.

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to lousieraven

Hi....I did have a tumour in my stomach....don't worry....I doubt that you have one but even if you do, it can be removed.

It could be Diverticulitis or irritable bowel many people suffer from both these days due to our diet.

Don't worry about the scans, MRI etc, it's soon over.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to Maribee

I'm so sorry to hear, thankyou I hope everything is okay. Are they removing it? Is it easily solved?

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Abbiek99

I had it removed 25 years ago OK......try not to worry, I know it's not easy, but you are young and will get through this.

1973m profile image

Hi, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a headache either! How does yours feel? Mine is like a constant heavy pressure on the top near my forehead and often behind my eyes, l believe this to be either tension or at the moment the atmosphere and pollens .. either way I know these are not symptoms of a brain tumour! Do your headaches respond to pain medication? Or does it just ease it a bit?

As hard as it sounds try hard to relax, the more you tense up the worse you’ll be and remember it will take time to see an improvement, you’ll have to work hard at telling yourself it’s nothing to worry about.. good luck with the scan but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to 1973m

It ranges from the bank of my head to the front, from a migraine to a slight headache they just don't go away! Thankyou I'm terrified, this time I can't seem to calm myself no matter what it's the worse I've ever been I'm sure I'm causing myself more headaches being like this.

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to 1973m

It sounds like a typical Sinus Headache.

Try and get some Beconase Nose works miracles.

1973m profile image

Yes you will be making them worse by worrying.. drink lots of water , try not to worry. It does sound like tension. Once you’ve been checked over again believe what they say and move on.

Just out of interest did they do your blood pressure? And have you seen an optician.. they can tell you lots by looking at your eyes and it could be you have eye strain!

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to 1973m

They took my blood pressure said it was normal& when I went for an eye test it turned out I needed glasses. My eyes have been weird lately even still seeing stars. I've been wearing the glasses and the headaches just carried on. The doctor told me it could be a "small case of spondylosis" but I'm only 19 and I'm sure that's deterioration of the spine?!

1973m profile image
1973m in reply to Abbiek99

Well they can tell an awful lot from looking at your eyes , I’d definitely think it’s stress and tension.

isabelle1992 profile image

I have the same thing not headaches but I’m always convinced I have some sort of life threatening disease and I heard it is because of general anxiety disorder that makes you convinced that you have these things just because you have a vague symptom you pick out the worst thing that it is possibly linked to, I’ve been to the doctor multiple times for everything to come back clear to which I even said they must be doing the tests wrong but I heard a doctor on the radio say that it is connected to anxiety the feeling that something is drastically wrong when it’s not but please do go to the doctor if something worries you even just for the peace of mind x

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to isabelle1992

Thankyou I guess you are right, the doctors are sick of seeing me ha. Going down to check everything really helps with peace of mind.

Maribee profile image

I've been there.

Have you had your thyroid checked ?

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to Maribee

Nope why?

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Abbiek99

The thyroid gland is responsible for such a variety of things...if you have an underactive one you can feel tired, get headaches, lose hair..not feel good at all......if you've got an overactive one then you can find it difficult to sleep, to relax, you can get cross over nothing at all.....look online in the ?Thyroid search box.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to Maribee

I didn't know they could cause such a variety of things, thankyou I will look into it

I work as a postwoman and dread the sunny warm weather,get a headache everytime in the summer hate it! Try everything ,pills, green smoothies ,cap,😎 everything,convince myself its a tumour but ive been like this for years

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to

That's so strange so just the heat and brightness

in reply to Abbiek99

Yeh i hate the humid weather im guaranteed a headache so annoying

Lovelyheart43 profile image

Hi Abbie😊 I'm so sorry that you're having headaches. I can relate to this because I too use to suffer with unexplained daily headaches due to anxiety. My doctor told me that it was due to tension. I had an MRI as well and it came back fine. I don't get the headaches as frequently as I used to since I started trying to get my anxiety under control. I pray that everything goes well with your test.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to Lovelyheart43

Hi thankyou so much that was really reassuring to hear someone with a similar story. I hope so too. My anxiety has become uncontrollable lately so fingers crossed it's just that.

Lovelyheart43 profile image
Lovelyheart43 in reply to Abbiek99

You're welcome .. everything will be fine. Can't wait to hear your update 😊😊👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

Agora1 profile image

Hi Abbiek99, it's true that anxiety always finds a different ailment to throw at us. Your chronic headaches sound exactly like what I had years ago..Woke up and went to bed with a headache. I too had an MRI through a neurologist that diagnosed it as Muscular contraction headache (tension headache) In between those headaches, I would be hit hard with Migraines as well.

It was the Rheumatologist that gave me some relief. Medication for the Migraines but physical therapy for the tension headaches. When headaches are chronic you need to be careful about over medicating so that you don't get into "rebound" headaches. The physical therapist worked on my trigger points which were spasms at the base of the skull and down the neck and into the top of the shoulders. Exactly where I carried my stress. I also did water exercise, meditation and relaxation therapy to keep my anxiety/fear lowered.

Believe in what your doctor says or the doubts will just cause more fear and tighten the muscles more. Repetitive fear makes you clench your muscles. Also hydrate..the muscles need water as does the rest of our circulatory system. Practice meditation and deep breathing several times a day. Finding a quiet, dark, cool room can offer a lot of pain relief. Breathe Abbie....whew let the stress go, you are safe, you have nothing to fear, you are not alone. Been there :) xx

Abbiek99 profile image

Thank you so much xxx

Hi Abbiek99. I have a lot of headaches too. I have noticed it is usually when I’m stressed. I can feel my muscles tense up and so on and so on. You are so young. It does sound like tension to me. I have had them for years. One time a nurse told me to sit diwn and she massaged my head all over and when she was through I was completely shocked that the headache was gone completely gone. Tension and stress can make you miserable both mentally and physically. Let us know how you do. I really think you will be fine.

Abbiek99 profile image
Abbiek99 in reply to

Thankyou I really hope you're right x I will post the results, I'm trying to relax the best I can but you're right I do feel absolutely miserable with it all x

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