Does anyone have any ways to calming down when you have a panic attack or really bad anxiety? I have a few but they dont work to well.
relax: Does anyone have any ways to calming... - Anxiety Support
Hi cubangirl619. My Dr just put me on a supplement called true calm and I have such extreme anxiety that it does help you calm down but I'm still having hard time leaving my home. I never believed that a supplement could work but this does mellow you out quite a bit. Not sure if,that helps at all but maybe it could help you. Good luck in finding something that will help!!
Thank u so much, i will look into it
Breathing exercises help me out a lot. Also, having a place where you can just stop doing things and recenter yourself is important. I find mine is going for a walk in the neighborhood, no place in my home seems to give me that feeling.
I usually go to my room because i sleep in the living room on the floor cuz i cant sleep on my bed. but i live with other ppl and they usually sleep in my room now.
Hi CubanGirl19! For me what helps calm is vigorous exercise with results lasting a good amount of time. For when having panic attacks and any time is deep breathing. If I can get myself to work on art that takes me away for a bit. Try new things to see what works well for you. Best to you. 😊
thank u so much

No problem. Hope things are going well for you. 💕
Yes, spray some magnesium oil on your forearm. You'll soon chill.
Cbd oil can help
Hi starlight.
Do you know if you can take cbd oil with any meds you take or are there some meds you can’t take it with...xx
Good question. I do not know. I was on quite a few meds and did not seem to interact but you could research it and if you go ahead with it and have any strange reaction just go off of it. Best to you!!!
You need to take the far apart as most prescription meds are processed by the same enzyme 450. So you could have inducers which would affect either being too much or too little or counteract one another. I learned this the hard way. Some of the anti-depressants and benzos are processed by the same or substrate enzymes as well as CBD oil. So you need to find out which meds you are taking and which enzymes are used to process each of those. Trust me, you do not want to go through what I just did. It took 7 days to feel like a human again, not that GAD feels human, but it is much more like a serotonin high - too much in your system. If you are taking cbd, go slow, very very slow - you can titrate up after about a week until you hit that "sweet spot". Don't go by the directions as first. Go slow, very few drops and depending on what strength it is.