So I can have a good day most of the day, but then I get a rush of DErealization and everything seems fake around me is this part of anxiety? Also I have major brain fog and I feel not sad or unhappy but numb anyone else feel this way ?
Numb to feeling and DErealization - Anxiety Support
Numb to feeling and DErealization
Yes that is a very common anxiety symptom. I get that all the time. I dont know what's worse that or dizziness all the time. Mine can last all day or just a couple hours. I tend not to notice it to much when I distract myself.
Yes. Happens to me often. What do you mean by fake? I've seen others use that terminology. I become hyper self aware. Like myself observing myself.
I get these feeling too! They are pretty rubbish aren’t they. The brain fog just messes with everything and stops me functioning as I did before. Have you tried concentrating on your breathing? I know it sounds crazy but I think one of the things people with anxiety do is breath too shallowly. This causes loads of weird side effects x
I have tried to breathe right but it’s so hard to focus on that when I think something is severely wrong😩 yes I can’t function at all eaither I literally think I’m gonna die or something when I have a attack it’s awful.
I get this brain fog feeling it's really annoying and bothers me a lot. It comes from nowhere. From happy feeling to anxious feeling
Can you explain your brain fog.. wonder if it's what I experience?