On the first page she wrote: "If you are reading this book because you are having a nervous breakdown or because your nerves are in a bad way, you are the very person for whom it has been written and I shall therefore talk directly to you as if you were sitting beside me.
"I shall show clearly and simply, and yet with all necessary detail, just how a breakdown begins and how it can be cured. THE ADVICE GIVEN HERE WILL DEFINITELY CURE YOU IF YOU FOLLOW IT. This will take perseverance and some courage. You may notice I have not asked for patience...
"It will not be difficult for you to read this book: it is about you and your nerves and for this reason you will read it with interest...
"I used the word 'cure' and this may surprise you because it implies an illness and you may think of yourself as more bewildered than ill - lost in a maze trying to find your way back to the person you used to be...more than anything else you want to be yourself again...What is this 'terrible thing' that has happened to you?
"Such feelings may have possessed you for a long time, even for years...And yet however deeply involved you may be in nervous breakdown it is possible to recover and enjoy life again. I emphasise HOWEVER DEEPLY INVOLVED.
"The guidance you need is in this small book...The strength to recover is within you once you are shown the way. I assure you of this. Each of us has unsuspected power to accomplish what we demand of ourselves...You are no exception.
"I have no illusions about you: I am not writing this book for the rare brave people but for you, probably a sick, suffering, ordinary human being with no more courage than the rest of us but with the same unplumbed, unsuspected power in reserve as the rest of us...This book will help you find this power and show you how to use it."
-Claire Weekes, M.B., D.Sc., F.R.A.C.P., "Self help for your nerves" (U.K. version) "Hope and help for your nerves" (U.S. version). In recent years over half a century later this and Doctor Weekes' other books have been reviewed on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk combined by almost 1,750 readers 90% of whom rated it either Very Good or Excellent.