Every day, new people appear on this forum suffering from anxiety. They are fearful, worried and bewildered about what's happening to them and just want to flick a switch that will take them back to normal. Well, the only quick fixes are medications prescribed by a doctor: there's nothing wrong with taking medications if the bad feelings are overwhelming and you have family or work responsibilities that can't be neglected. But nobody wants to take tablets for the rest of their life and there are self help techniques that in the fullness of time will bring recovery.
The first thing you must do is to go see your doctor who may run a test or two to make sure it really is 'only' nerves. That will bring you some reassurance, you will at least know for certain what you're dealing with. You see, anxiety disorder is very good at mimicing physical illnesses and we're all hypochondriacs of course☺ The other thing that anxiety disorder does is make the smallest of problems seem ten times more formidable. To avoid problems we can end up not wanting to leave the house (agrophobia) or developing feelings of unreality where we feel 'we're not here'. Anxiety also causes stomach upset, dizziness, pains and visual disturbances.
The next thing is to understand exactly what's happening to you to overcome the bewilderment. If you go through a period of stress and worry for too long your nervous system decides it's had enough and starts to complain. It becomes over-sensitised and in this state fires off panic attacks, fear of impending doom and all kinds of aches and pains. The good news is that none of these unpleasant feelings are life threatening and can't cripple you or send you crazy. Over-sensitised nervous systems don't have the power to do that but through their power to imitate real physical illness they can still frighten us half to death. But only half☺
Once people new to anxiety disorders understand what's happening to them and the limitations of sensitised nerves they should be reassured and that's a good place to start your recovery which I am now going to outline according to my own experience and what I believe.
At this point I must apologise to regular visitors to this forum who have all heard what follows from me time and time again ad nauseum. But I'm writing this mainly for newbies who are unaware of my repetitive postings.
The road to recovery that I always recommend is set outvin a book by Doctor Claire Weekes titled 'Sekf help with your nerves' or titled 'Hope and help for your nerves' in the U.S. both titles available from Amazon. When she was studying to be a doctor as a young woman Claire Weekes exoerienced anxiety disorder herself and she developed a method which helped her to recover. Later she set out that method in the book I mention so others could benefit and over the many years untold thousands throughout the world have used her method to recover. Here is a brief 4 point outline of her method but I recommend you read her book if you're serious about using self help to effect your recovery.
1. FACE - don't fool yourself that by ignoring the symptoms they will go away, face the fact that you do have anxiety disorder. Also, if your doctor, who went to medical school for 5 years, tells you it's anxiety disorder believe him/her implicitly and put all ideas of a physical origin (heart attack, cancer etc) right out of your mind.
2. ACCEPT - stop fighting the bad feelings as fighting only causes more tension and fear and your overstressed nervous system needs LESS of that not MORE. So instead of fighting and constantly testing yourself for the bad feelings simply accept them for the time being. By accepting I mean letting the bad feelings come and although they make you feel uncomortable just carry on as normal with the least amount of fear - after all you now know these symptoms aren't for real, they are fakes and frauds that can't do you any real damage. You see, for too long you've been caught up in a vicious circle of fear causing more symptoms causing more fear causing more symptoms etc. By refusing to be bullied and fearful through Acceptance you break this viscious circle giving your over sensitised nervous system a chance to recover.
3. FLOAT - by this Claire Weekes meant switching onto automatic pilot and whilst practicing Acceptance to get on about our daily business. If you suffer from agrophobia and think your legs will turn to jelly if you leave your house, well go for a walk anyway and you will find that jelly legs will still get you there and back, just float along to your destination and float home again.
4. LET TIME PASS - don't expect Acceptance to bring an instant cure, you spent time getting into your present state so be patient and let your over-sensitised nervous system recover at its own rate as it surely will.
So that's the story and it offers you the chance to take control of your life and your recovery which no matter how tired, frightened and bewildered you are well able to do. The late Doctor Weekes (she died at a good age after a lifetime if healing) used to say that anybody and everybody can recover through the Acceptance method regardless of how long you have suffered or how bad you may feel. So I say again, take control of your life once more and join us on the Yellow Brick Road to Recovery. Bon voyage!