Last night I had the worst panic attack but I rode through it as it was my only option. It was worse than all the ones I have had before. With not being able to breathe properly, butterfly in the tummy feeling, my heart thumping through my chest, sweating , flashes through my body and just feeling like I was going to die. It was a bad one that I really don't ever want to have again. I was in bed trying to go to sleep so I was relaxed and can't for the life of me work out what caused it. Anyone else have them worse than before?
Panic attacks: Last night I had the worst... - Anxiety Support
Panic attacks

They can get worse if you fear them. The answer is not to fear them, to know you can handle them if they occur. Have you seen Dr. Claire Weekes' videos on YouTube? She overcame panic attacks herself, and described her method in "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" (available on Amazon). I strongly recommend that book; it helped me tremendously.
I haven't had them for a long time and now out of the blue they are back but worse yet I don't fear them as I know what it is but it's just more intense and lasts longer. I just lay there and say I'm fine it will be over soon and just let it do its thing without feeding it. I just don't understand why it's come back but worse.
Hi there..I have been feeling better too and lately, my panic attacks has returned stronger and more intense. Like you, I rode through it and did not freaked out the way I used to. Still, now I am left wondering why it came back harder. All I can say is that, it might be due to the fact that we were feeling slightly better and not having them as often such that when it returned, our system reacts strongly against it and we feel every symptoms harder. Anxiety and panic attacks really do leave me baffled everytime. Anw, hope things will get better for us soon!
Hi thanks for your response it's good to know I'm not the only one experiencing this but sad that there are so many of us with this dreaded thing. Xx Hope you get better soon too X
Yes, that have also returned for me. I’m trying to figure out why as well and I think I’m figuring that I’m under more stress lately and I think it’s coming out as panic attacks and anxiety. Are you under any new amount of stress or any life changes recently? It’s 2:12am where I am and I’m up because I stared feeling a warm sensation and sweating so I knew one was coming.