6 Things that Help me With My Anxiety (Hea... - Anxiety Support

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6 Things that Help me With My Anxiety (Healing/reducing the symptoms)

4 Replies

Hello lovelies,

I thought to share a list of what has helped me over the years in regards to Anxiety and I hope that something on this list helps you too.

1) Journalling:

I actually journal every day now and it's really relaxing, soothing and I really end up getting a lot off of my chest. It really helps me to think positive, reprogramme my mindset etc. But try not to only write negative things! Try to do things like this: write out your dreams, goals and aspirations regularly. Write down questions like this: "If this could be my best day EVER what good things will happen today?" And then answer the question with about 20 statements. Write down something like "Now that I'm completely free from anxiety I get to enjoy these things every single day in my life" and write down 20 statements below to answer the question. Write out how your life would be once you are free from your condition and feel it, imagine it, picture it!

2) Drinking Chamomile Tea:

This usually instantly calms me down! I like to drink this daily or a few times a week! I like plain Chamomile or the one with honey.

3) Writing out positive affirmations and saying them out loud twice a day.

What you say can change your life! The reason why we are sooo anxious is because we think anxious thoughts. We need to say comforting and assuring things to ourselves such as "I am confident", "I can do anything I set my mind to", "my life is amazing", "I am healed and made whole", "God loves me and he has a good plan for my life", "Each day I get better and better", "I am mentally sound and restored back to vitality", "I have a great diet", "I feel good about myself", "I love my life", "I am successful and happy", "I am living the life of my dreams and so much more! I write out at least 20 statements and say them before I start my day and at night. Sometimes in the afternoon too! Whether these things happen or not, it doesn't matter, what matters is it makes me feel 100 times better and some of things come true which is a bonus. Our words truly do have power.

4) Rescue Bach:

I like using the drops of this from time to time as it really calms me down and help to reduce that anxious feel that I tend to feel! I haven't bought one recently but I'll probably get another one soon as I feel less anxious when I take this something like 2-3 times a week. You can get it from Boots or Superdrug. It's about £6-£8.

5) Cutting out the Caffeine in my diet:

I drink a lot of tea but I switched to de-caf last year as it doesn't serve me to drink caffeinated tea! I felt a lot better when started to drink de-caf tea. I actually think that most of the anxiety that people suffer from is caused by caffeine or that it's a big contributor. However I do eat milk chocolate a couple of times a week and this calms me a lot! There is something very good about chocolate that soothes anxiety! Maybe it's the milk lol.

6) Exercise:

I do this nearly every day whether I go out or not. Because I can't afford to let myself get incredibly tense. I love feeling good and good feelings come from keeping fit! Plus I like myself more when I look fit and slim. I don't really like it when I put on a few pounds because it makes me loose my confidence. So I just make exercise a big part of my life even if it's just for 10 mins. And I suffer from agoraphobia so it's not exactly easy for me to always go out but I don't let this be an excuse. If I get to go to the gym excellent but if not I just workout from home. I use my weights, the medicine ball, etc.

7) Prayer:

Someone posted a quote the other day that said "God is the best healer and prayer is the best medicine". I 100% agree with this. There is nothing that can make my life better than spending time with God and praying!! It has helped me tremendously.

Bonus: Social Media: I love helping others via live streaming on Facebook, I make videos on YouTube and I like to give back constantly. Because the worst thing to do in life is just to think about yourself. Helping others is the key! The more we add value the more we will receive it back!

Hope this helps!

Please let me know which one of these resonates with you most or what has helped you over the years to calm, heal or reduce your anxiety?

With love

Baby Girl xxx

4 Replies
Capri31 profile image

Thank you for this!!

Meeasy profile image

Good stuff, thanks. My personalized treatment is very similar. Something else that I find helpful is un plugging from social media. I find myself comparing and judging myself against others. In addition, limiting my intake of news and advertising. Both use fear or sensationalism to stoke emotional reactions. For me the key is to turn inward, observe and meditate on my feelings , let go of perfection and negativity, get out of self obsession, contribute and help others , appreciation, gratitude and acceptance. And finally, let's not forget to laugh. Good luck ✌️😎

in reply to Meeasy

You are so right about social media. When it does more harm than good, it's time to shut it down.

Thank you for sharing! :)

Prayer has always provided relief over the years.

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