Today i dozed of around 2am and then I woke up like an hour later from my sleep. Then I incited my heart started to race and I layed there until 4am withthe racing heart thinking I would go back to sleep but I couldn’t. Then I went to the bathroom and I was constipated. I’m back on the couch my eyes are tired and my head hurts and I’m cold. I just got out the hospital today because I ended up getting a spinal headache for a lumbar puncture. But the hospital said all the test and blood work look fine and the cite look great. Hey have me fluids and Tylenol and that was it. What is going on now. I do sometimes have sleeping issues but never wake up with racing heart rate what is going on? I’m cold heart is racing , eyes are tired can’t sleep.. please help
Anxiety?: Today i dozed of around 2am and... - Anxiety Support

Sounds like anxiety one night when i experienced the same i could not go back to sleep the next morninf was a total drag.
Thanks, u have an knowledge or experience with topiramate?
No not at all what is that?
It’s suppose to help me with chronic migraines but I’m scared to take it because of the side effects..
Some side effects can be so cruel i hate medication but if the headaches are bad maybe u should try and take them.
Yeah.. side effects freak me out.. they are memory loss, suicidal thoughts.. and worse anxiety and depression. I’m gonna try natural remedies first..
Oh wow those are horrible side effects its worst than what your actually taking them for wow! Tjats scary
Super scary... I’m like nope , I’ll take Tylenol.. I do have chronic migraines and this weird pressure in my right ear for like months and I get dizzy and lightheaded.. I feel it has to do with my ear and the weight gain.. I gained 60lbs in 9months from my horrible journey I have been in since last year. I’m going to get a second opinion on the ear thing. My anxiety is horrible at times but most times I can be logical about the symptoms.. how bout u? I posted my jounery story if you would like to read it , it’s call my 9 month journey
Im gonna read it. I just joined the gym today im trying anything at this point.
The neurologist told me that exsercise is great medication for the flight and fight response which cause panic and anxiety in the brain. It increases serotonin. I to am going to start to walk 30 min a day after I heal. I hope everything goes well for u. Please feel free to message me here any time .. I will definitely respond and help U on ur journey in any way I can
Thank u so much and i wish u a quick amd speedy recovery so u can get out and walk. U can feel free to message me anytime as well
Hi Crystal- I am new here. do you have trouble going to sleep by chance? everytime I almost drift off, I startle awake.
Hi jgough, that startled effect is very common with anxiety disorder. The reason being that our body may be ready to go into sleep mode but our subconscious mind is rehashing everything that went on throughout the day. It never sleeps. Eventually those thoughts startle you awake.
What may help before you fall asleep is to listen to some relaxation/meditation and deep breathe which will allow your mind to quietly calm down as well as relax your muscles and nervous system. Once you start this practice nightly (as well as first thing upon awakening) your nervous system will become adjusted to quiet thoughts before falling asleep. I no longer wake up to that startle. xx
I will try this as I am desperate. its almost like im scared to go to sleep. its so weird. im almost to the point where I am about to fall asleep and then I feel almost like im falling and then wake right up scared. is that normal as well with anxiety?
Hi jgough, sleep twitches better known as Hypnic Jerk is a feeling of falling or jerking in your sleep. Anxiety and continual stress cause the body to not relax fully at night. It happens involuntary as the muscles of the body downshift the nervous system into a relaxed mode. Our brain misinterprets this signal as a danger and makes all the muscles in the legs, arms and body tense up. In preparation to allow the body to be safe. It is then the body jerks or senses the feeling of falling..
This goes back to our early ancestors when they may have fallen asleep in a tree and the brain, which protects our body from harm, would wake them up with this hypnic jerk or falling feeling in order to allow them to check their environment and sleep safely. This is quite natural for the over stimulated nervous system.
Allow it to happen, do not fight it but turn over and go back to sleep. You are safe. It is not harmful. What does help is going to bed in a quiet, dark, cool room. As you lie down, allow your muscles to sink into the mattress, breathing deeply and exhale slowly allowing the body and mind to accept this quiet time of the night.
Doing meditation just before dozing off can help in calming the body and letting the brain know that it's okay to let go, to fall asleep peacefully and calmly.
jgough, this won't always be. Don't be afraid of it. This too shall pass.
Wishing you a good night's sleep. xx