Feel like I spend my life poorly. Need some advice from anyone who’s suffered from tonsillitis as my doctors are rubbish and won’t see me in person. They’ve diagnosed me with tonsillitis over the phone even though I’ve never had it before! So I’ve had a really sore throat since Sunday, I sweat every time I sleep, my neck is swollen and achy and I’m struggling to swallow, eat or drink Sorry for the graphic pictures but is this tonsillitis?
Tonsillitis : Feel like I spend my life... - Anxiety Support

Are you taking antibiotics. That is usually the treatment for tonsillitis. Why won't your doctor see you? If he won't you might consider going to an urgent care center.
Yes they’ve provided me antibiotics, they diagnosed me over the phone with tonsillitis I just want someone who’s had it before to say it is too 😂. They don’t have appointments for like 5 weeks my Doctors it’s a joke, just give you a telephone appointment.
I don't think you can tell if it is tonsillitis from a photograph, but if it is the antibiotics should work quite quickly. If they don't help, then it means it is most likely a viral infection.
It could be strep, so be sure & finish your course of antibiotics!
my daughter had it last week ,had antibiotics,horrible to have ,rest up have plenty of cold drinks yogurts ,icecream