Does anybody suffer from dizziness, shakiness & unsteadiness 24/7 that limits their mobility? I am struggling to get out & about & walking even short distances as I feel I may fall over. I am in a highly anxious state. Can anxiety cause this all the time & limit our mobility?????
Dizziness, unsteadiness 24/7: Does anybody... - Anxiety Support
Dizziness, unsteadiness 24/7

Hello Jwilcock, you aren’t alone with this, I too am struggling with these symptoms on a daily basis, some days are worse than others. The thing that helps me through is just the thought that there’s nothing wrong with me physically, it’s just the anxiety doing it. Try taking a few minutes out of your day to just concentrate on you, do breathing exercises and remind yourself that you are bigger than the anxiety. Become more powerful than the anxiety, the more you accept it, the less powerful it becomes and eventually it will go 🙂 I hope this helps and that you feel better soon 😊
Yes it can! I have the same symptoms as you! Some days are better than others and I sort of adapted to this unsteady feeling and don’t panic. I hate it though and wish it would just go away. I take amytryptaline for this symptom and it helped a little. It also helps when I am sitting and moving, standing still sucks and I have to hold onto things.
Hi I get dizzy/swaying feelings with my anxiety.I thought it was caused by tight tense /tight shoulder muscles.but my doctor said my problem was the inner ear ( build up of to much fluid ) he gave me cinnarizine 15 mg can buy over the counter they are called sturgeon in England.( travel sickness tablets. They make you feel really sleepy at first.bit my dizziness went after the first tablet.I carry them with me at all times.
I feel unsteady, light headed, heart races and breathless doing anything. Even walking to make a drink. I feel useless to my family. Xx
Me daily I've got several post about this
I have those symptoms too. Have you got any kind of help at all?