Hello I am Ell64 and my struggle is with anxiety and depression. My anxiety is mostly work related, and started when I was a young child which was then social anxiety. I still have social anxiety in certain situations. Any way, I'm happy to see there is a support group for such a horrible sickness to suffer from.
New to the group: Hello I am Ell64 and my... - Anxiety Support
New to the group

Hi Ell64,
I agree it is really good to have a place to come and talk without being judged. I haven’t suffered my whole life, just the last 6 years or so, but it has been brutal.
Where are you from, and what do you do?
I live in Tampa Bay and don't laugh, but I am a mental health counselor and when I work that is about the only time I don't feel any anxiety and I totally focus on the person in front of me. I love my work just not working for other people.
Ok I wouldn’t laugh. I think you have a great profession. Anyone can struggle with this.
Is this why you chose that career path?
I always thought I would like to study the brain because my Mom has dealt with schizophrenia my whole life. I never did follow through with studies though. Not because of my struggles with anxiety and depression, but because I had a family really young, and never could take the time or finances to make it happen.
My daughter's behavioral issues and my own depression are what I think drew me to this profession, though as a very young child my first career of choice was a psych nurse. I felt a calling which I continually questioned but had it confirmed when I would ask God if I was doing the right thing. Sadly my anxiety has not improved with my work. I really don't think I can work for an agency or have a direct supervisor. It's too stressful and I absolutely hate office work. Women all around me and they are so horribly caddy and insensitive. And I waited until my youngest was about 5 to start my career. Late in life, but I'm young at heart and I don't regret it. You're never too old...
Hi Ell64 and welcome! Hope you can find the support you need on this forum. It is always reassuring to know that we’re not on our own. Anxiety is so debilitating...