Looking for peace : Hi I have GAD and every... - Anxiety Support

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Looking for peace

sarellano26 profile image
12 Replies

Hi I have GAD and every time I feel something different

Weird things like being dizzy or chest pain or something, so I always think that I am very sick and that I am about to die . I get very sad because I have a baby girl and I want to be with her and watch her grow so I worry a lot about my health :( and I just pray someday I can find inner peace to enjoy everyday that god allows me to be with her....

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12 Replies
Jeff1943 profile image

Sarellano, you have health anxiety like so many people here. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel, maybe you should as it can bring you much needed reassurance that you are not about to die? Ask for your heart to be checked, I'm sure the result will bring you relief.

Having a baby is a wonderful experience but it can be very stressful specially for mothers and I believe it plays around with the hormones that take time to settle down.

Dizziness and chest pain (muscular tension) are well known symptoms of anxiety and they will pass when your anxiety is resolved. Just accept them for the time being, don't attach so much importance to them and accept them calmly without adding more fear to your already over sensitive nerves.

Anxiety is famous for magnifying small concerns into major problems; I suggest this is the reason you fear dying. Every parent is concerned that they will live to bring up their child but in people with anxiety disorder that concern is multiplied ten fold into a major fear that death is imminent.

You are not about to die, Sarrellano, this is just anxiety whispering in your ear. Do not be fearful of your aches and dizziness, they are no threat to you and your baby. Before too long, your body and mind will settle down after the ordeal of childbirth and all things will be well with you.

sarellano26 profile image

Thanks so much i needed to hear that someone understands !!!! I do my checkups every year and they come very good !!! My heart I just checked it twice this year (electrocardiograph) it is fine too!!!! But I just see myself in the mirror and see myself sick and sad... I see everyone else happy and enjoying and I just can’t stop thinking I would like to be more calmed and easygoing to laugh out loud and think less ....

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to sarellano26

You are still recovering from a major upheaval physically and mentally, you have brought new life into the world, the everybody else who are so happy and enjoying life who you refer to haven't been through that ordeal. Give yourself time to settle, eat nourishing food (well most of the time anyway) and get as much rest as your baby girl allows. You will see a different person in the mirror when you look in 6 months time I assure you.

sarellano26 profile image
sarellano26 in reply to Jeff1943

Thanks Jeff haha my girl is 2 years old already and I am 5 weeks pregnant now so I think my anxiety is so high because of hormones but even without them I am very very anxious normally and I get very tired

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to sarellano26

Having children kicked my anxiety off.I cannot remember having Anxiety before them. Talking to other mums I realised it was common to feel anxiety after becoming a mum. I didn’t realise it was treatable. I thought I was mad!! 👍

sarellano26 profile image
sarellano26 in reply to Denhans

How did you treated it ? Please help me

Denhans profile image
Denhans in reply to sarellano26

I didn’t do anything about it, and it got worse. But it’s different now, 20 years ago there weren’t websites like this. And I didn’t admit to anyone how I felt. I worked in school for 13 years and 5 of them in the reception class The mums would seek me out as I was the oldest TA in there and cared about their little offspring. They all , 60 mums, because I done a poll had bad anxieties. I encouraged them to have coffee mornings and share what makes them anxious.My menopause kicked off anxiety depression and stress. Then the final blow, social services didn’t take a 6 year old boy serious when he disclosed to me, his uncle was molesting him. I told our deputy after i’d broke down about 3 times in an hour, I had been sexually abused at his age and had held it in for fear of not being believed. She told me to go home and tap in rape in google and get help with people who dealt in sexual abuse. I’ve been in counselling for 2 years now and learnt many things. I done a course on counselling and I swear by CBT. I’ve learnt that anxiety is mostly fear. And when my Anxiety kicks in, I write down in my diary all the things bothering me how I feel and then work out what’s causing it. I then write again what I’m anxious about. It doesn’t always work, but writing down what’s in your head just before bed does help. Try it. I have to go but will give you some tips that may help as a mum and anxiety tomorrow. Hold tight and remember... there’s hope! 🌷Mandy x

sarellano26 profile image
sarellano26 in reply to Denhans

Thank you so much ! I really appreciate your tips because my kids need me and I want to be there for them I can’t let this anxiety drown me.... is very very hard to live with it . My dad has the same GAD and he says that with the pass of the years he learned is just fear and nothing that can hurt you but is tired to live like this ....

Mark1256 profile image

well, not sure about your health but listen, I have that too. Many years dealing with it. I realized one thing. Your mind is tricking you. Your letting it tell you that your at the worst case senario. You feel bad but its not all what you think it is. Realize that you may feel bad but its not the end! I dealt with that. Raise yourself up and dont let your mind go there anymore. Ya, u feel like crap but thats ok so we all have issues so get on with your normal life and let the chips fall where they may. Its in gods hands. I am sure u will be fine.

sarellano26 profile image
sarellano26 in reply to Mark1256

Yeah ! That’s what I try to do but sometimes is hard and I get sooo afraid about being sick to death that I start getting all this weird syntoms like dizziness and muscle pain, nausea . I do my checkups every year and this year I did two electros and they came out ok but I am always afraid. Now I am trying to surrender and stop trying to help it I just try to accept that this is the way my body works and that is not real !!! But I am trying is not easy :(

Thanks so much for listening

in reply to sarellano26

I feel the same exact way... it's everyday almost and constantly... I just want to feel good and happy... I'm always scared I go somewhere I feel dizzy I think I'm on a faint and what am I going to do w my kids... or I have cancer and whose gonna take care of my kids... or I get a symptom and think omg if my husband has to take me to the emergency room whose going to watch my kids...it's so horrible and scary I'm so fed up I just want to live . Last night I felt so weird like my insides were shaky and weak like I was going to collapse .. I was so scared it just never ends .. I'm sorry I wish I had better words.. I have 4 children also and they are my heart and soul I don't want to leave them I just want to be a great mom and make them happy!

sarellano26 profile image
sarellano26 in reply to

Hi !!!! I totally understand!!!! Is like I am hearing myself !!!! But you know what helps me ? Maybe today I feel like I am dying but when I wake up the next day and I see I am alive then I think wow I wasn’t really dying right ??? So that helps me a little ..... 10 years ago I was thinking I was scared of myself and now I see that I wasn’t a monster as I thought I was so I can see that is my mind but is very very hard to live with it

I really hope god will help us and one day we can feel free

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