Good evening everyone has anyone had any withdrawal symptoms from weaning off ativan? If so what were they? Been on them four months. But low dose. .5 mg a day. Then last week went to .25mg a day. And this week cut that in half. Per Dr of course Thank you.
Weaning off ativan. : Good evening everyone... - Anxiety Support
Weaning off ativan.

Hello there, im looking at my last one that i had to order off the internet becsuse docs stopped prescribing them here. You should be ok with doctors care though. Best of luck..take care
I certainly did, but I did it at a very high stress time. I didn't know anything about these drugs and my gp didn't tell me anything. One of my symptoms at the time was twitching, so I saw a neurologist in Boston who wanted to do emg studies and nerve conduction studies. I thought the meds might mess up the tests, so I stopped taking them very close to the day of testing. The tests were very uncomfortable and my wife had to drive me back and we got stuck in one of those tunnels in Boston. I literally could not feel my legs. It turned out, the tests were negative and the following days I continued drug free. This was about 20 years ago and I was completely clueless about anxiety and medication. I really felt pretty terrible after that, but went back to that same neurologist for the results and during the visit I told him my neck was just locked up in addition to the twitching. He put me on amitriptyline which basically saved my life. I didn't even know till years later that it was an antidepressant. I thought he was giving it to me for nerve pain. I would never have consented back then to take an antidepressant because my parents were so negative about medication, but they did use alcohol to calm their nerves. It sounds like you are doing it the right way, so you should be ok. Good luck!
Yes I did , had to be put back onto yet another benzo though. I don’t wanna say too many symptoms though , I don’t want you to get much health anxiety. I do want to say I’m glad that you are weaning off and not going completely cold turkey . It wouldn’t be fun. Weaning off isn’t either but it’s less stressful on ya. Ok so my issues were more panic attacks , felt like I was drunk , a little dizzy sometimes . Much more but that’s what I can recall for now lol
I was put on Valium to help get off Ativan completely ..but I was on a tad higher dosage then you though . That’s why I did it that way
Yes the dizzy and drunk feeling also. I figured it was from Weaning off. How long does that usually last?
Geez wish I knew . I know for me it wasn’t longer than a year and a half . I was on Ativan for months and Valium . Sooo yeah , it wasn’t any longer than a year..the drunk feeling. I still get a tad woozy from anxiety period so it got kinda hard for me to tell sometimes lol
Thank you all for your reply. I initially started to get through the Prozac side effects. I'm on 10mg of the Prozac and think I'm ok to start taking less ativan and just keep it on an as needed so my Dr suggested to slowly taper. But do notice some symptoms so wanted to know if this was normal. Again thank you all. Missie
Im going through it now, idk how im going to survive it
Im so sorry, i got off pain pills easier than this i hope you have a smooth withdrawal bless you
My mind was all over the place before this im from the ocd side they say but idk i have severe panic, unwanted thoughts, its stuck like a living nightmare all from a panic attack
Hi hun. It's me Krista. I've been on Ativan for years. 2mg 3xday. The highest dosage by law. Yes withdrawal is absolutely horrific. It was for me , I ran out early. But not sure what's going on but I've been only taking 2 instead of 3. So I guess that means less anxiety

hey less is always good, so happy for you how is everything else?
Hey did you ever get off your benzo? I’m 4 months off and suffering terribly.
Good morning, yes I did. The fear was more the anxiety then anything taking over for me, I followed how to slowly wean off how my Dr. suggested and now only take it if I need one. Like traveling or if my anxiety is a little higher then normal but I had no problems at all. Praying for the same for you also.