Doctor has given me escitlapram (?) to wean off benzos. Feel quite positive about this. Hope it works. Anyone here done this successfully.
How effective are escitralopram in weaning... - Anxiety Support
How effective are escitralopram in weaning off benzos

How long were you taking a benzo for your anxiety?
The brand name is Lexapro. It's an anti depressant. In time it could help with depression and anxiety. Usually takes a few weeks to kick in.
Which means it may not be to helpful if you go into acute withdrawals from stopping your benzo abruptly.
I don't know why in the world your doc thought this would be the drug choice for coming off benzopines. Sigh.
Ask about hydroxyzine or buspar..
They aren't the best but way better than Lexapro for what your dealing with.
Gillybabe try and hang in there.
But if things become unbearable please go to your closest emergency department.
She is keeping me on same dose until the others kick in and then gradually taper. Thats the plan. Apparently benzos change your brain pattern over years and so ssris work in another way.