I’m constantly spaced out, I wake up spaced out, I go to sleep spaced out! Is there anything that can stop this? I’m so fed up of it I don’t even feel like I’m living I constantly feel like I’m in a dream. Having a bad day today already I can tell 😞
Spaced out : I’m constantly spaced out, I... - Anxiety Support
Spaced out

Hi there,
I get this feeling as well especially when I wake up. The time I'm least likely to be feeling spaced out is at work where I'm distracted. But otherwise I do tend to get anxious especially about specific things such as upcoming medical appointments. Sometimes I'm not sure whether I'm dreaming or I'm awake!
That sounds annoying! Do you get very dizzy? I hope you feel better soon
Sounds like derealisation, your mind is trying to distance you from the anxiety of your daily life to protect you, I had it many years ago, I described it as a "not being here" feeling. It didn't worry me and I sort of forgot about it and it passed. Mine was quite mild. I sometimes feel it slightly in supermarkets where the fluorescent lighting is very bright. Best to just accept it and not stress over it.
I’ve read about that! I think it is what I’m experiencing, I sometimes have to touch my head because it feels like it’s just not there. Now I’ve accepted I have anxiety and I’ve stopped looking for other illness’ to blame hopefully it’ll help me accept this symptom! Just feeling awful today 😞
The important thing is it's curable, it resolves in its own good time. So accept it for the time being, calmly and with the minimum of fear. When you have learnt to co-exist with this and other symptoms even though they make you feel awful then eventually your over sensitised nervous system will recover and you will feel normal once more.