I don’t know what it is I’m always worried before I go to sleep I just stress and worry about will I get up in the morning and will I sleep properly I hate this feeling messes my whole day up
Bedtime : I don’t know what it is I’m always... - Anxiety Support
I’m the same that’s why I end up with an upset stomach as I worry about sleeping and if I can fall asleep and will I wake up in the morning. I think I spend too much time thinking about things at night and alone with my thoughts that doesn’t help.
Your not alone got the same problem I wish I could me normal like I was the starting of the year this is a crap feeling for sure
I went through this for weeeeeeks, where i literally could not sleep and would stress about sleep, would be at work thinking about if i was going to sleep. My councelor made me write down in a journal what bothered me and to cross them off the list, and this was my number one that bothered me, i got over it by not thinking about it anymore but sadly I think and obsess about other things lol.
I’m gonna take my migraleve the two pink tablets to knock me out and give me a goodnight sleep or my amitriptyline that I’m scared to take after reading up about it

my parents take amitriptyline and love it, works for them.
What dose I just got it today a 10mg dose but shitting my self from taking it after reading all the crazy side effects this what anxiety does 🤣

Please tell me you're joking? Migraleve Pink? 😳😨😟These are the first line of attack against Migraines, and should NOT be used for more than three days at a time. They can be very highly addictive. 😳😟
Amitriptyline is a commonly used antidepressant, usually particularly good for helping with sleep problems. Suits so very many people, doesn't suit s few others, but at least worth a try! You can always go back to your GP and ask for an alternative. Sometimes Dr Google isn't always 'right'.
Any antidepressant has side effects ~ as any medication has! 😟 Please try the Amitriptyline as a 'first choice'..? You may find the benefits far outweigh the side effects. 😊 Despite what it is you think you've read ~ from those who it just doesn't happen to suit! (It doesn't suit me, but it's no big deal, it's just the start of your GP's 'arsenal' against anxiety/sleep problems 😊).
Please, get off of the Migraleve Pink, before it becomes a major problem / addiction for you, and one that's very hard to break ... ❤️️
The doctor said take migraleve pink for one day it should do the trick and only take them when needed not everyday and my mates are on amitriptyline they said it’s ok but gives them mood swings a lot and one of my mates is in a mental hospital taking amitriptyline that’s why I’m shitting it to take them il go with migraleve tonight if they don’t work it’s amitriptyline snd hope next stop don’t be the metal hospital from taking them 😂
You'll be fine Mo ❤️️ if in doubt take half a dose and work up from there. (I understand they're small tablets though! Try a bite out of one and throw the other part away!) Another 'bad night's sleep' won't kill you!). I wish I got as much sleep as you get on a 'bad' night, that's how I know you can 'live' with it! 😊
Try to up the dose of Amitriptyline the following night. ❤️️
You'd never take an aspirin nor even a paracetamol, if you read the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) ~ but the PIL's have to be included for 'safety' ~ they're NOT saying you'll get ANY of the side effects. If you ever read them, you'll see that at one point most meds say ... could cause diarrhea ... could cause constipation ... and so many contradictions along that line ~ that it becomes quite comical at times. Medications given to men have the same PIL in them ... saying 'not to take while lactating' ... which always makes a male friend of mine laugh ❤️️😊😉
If you're uncomfortable with drowsiness ~ I always found it was better not to 'fight' it, and just to breathe slowly into the drowsiness and it's a good way to help yourself get to sleep, and calm your mind. ❤️️ (Deep breathing always made me even worse! 😟).
Wishing you Sweet Dreams ❤️️😉
i feel the same thing, the idea of don't sleep enough or don't wake up in the morning freaks me out, but something that my psychiatrist says that helps me is that no one gets sick for no sleep one single night, and if you don't wake up and be late once you will not loose your job or fail in school, so relax, panic about not sleep only makes you sleep even worse
It’s hard to accept people words at times because there not the ones suffering but everyone deals with it in a different way well I deal with it like a pussy at times but that’s because I’m always anxious