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4 Replies

Symptoms of Anxiety Problems or a Panic Attack(i hope this helpls)

Common anxiety symptoms include:

•BODY (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the body in general):

Allergy problems, increase in allergies (number, sensitivity, reactions, lengthier reactions).

Back pain, stiffness, tension, pressure, soreness, spasms, immobility in the back or back muscles.

Blanching (looking pale, loss of colour in the face or skin).

Blushing, turning red, flushed face, flushed skin, blushing, red face or skin.

Body aches, parts of or your entire body feels sore and achy, feels like your body and muscles are bruised.

Body jolts, electric jolt feeling in body, intense body tremor or “body shake”.

Body temperature increase or decrease, change in body temperature

Burning skin, itchy, “crawly,” prickly or other skin sensations, skin sensitivity, numbness on the skin.

Burning skin sensation on the face, neck, ears, scalp, or shoulders .

Buzzing sensation in the feet, toes, hands, fingers, arms, legs .

Chest pain, chest tightness.


Chronic Fatigue, exhaustion, super tired, worn out.

Clumsiness, feeling clumsy, co-ordination problems with the limbs or body

Cold chills, feeling cold.

Craving sugar, sweets, chocolate, unusual craving for sugar and sweets.

Difficulty speaking, moving mouth, talking, co-ordination problems with the mouth or tongue.

Dizziness, feeling lightheaded.

Excess of energy, you feel you can’t relax.

Falling sensation, feel like your are falling or dropping.

Feel like you are going to pass out or faint.

Feel wrong, different, foreign, odd, or strange

Flu-like symptoms, general malaise, feel ill, like you are coming down with a flu.

Flushed face, red face, flushed skin.

Frequent urination.

Heart palpitations, racing heart.

Hyperactivity, excess energy, nervous energy.

Increased or decreased sex drive.

Infection - increased infections, persistent infection.

Mouth or throat clicking or grating

sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking.

Muscles that vibrate, jitter, tremor, or shake when used.

Muscle twitching.



Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness.

Night sweats, waking up in a sweat, profusely sweating at night.

No energy, feeling lethargic, tired.

Numbness and tingling, and other skin sensations on hands, feet, face, head, or any other places on the body.

Persistent muscle tension, stiffness.

Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard.

Pulsing or throbbing muscles. Pulsing or throbbing sensation.

Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage.

Sexual Dysfunction, sexual disinterest.

Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face.

Shooting pains in the faced

Shooting pains in the scalp or head.

Skipped heart beats .

Sore or tight scalp or back of the neck.

Startled easily.

Sweating, uncontrollable profuse sweating.

The floor feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason.

Tightness in the ribs or rib cage area, may also feel like a tight band around the ribs or rib cage area.

Tingling sensations, anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, legs, arms, head, mouth, chest, groin area.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. (TMJ).

Trembling, shaking, tremors.


Unsteadiness, dizziness, feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom (similar to urinary tract or prostate infection symptoms).

Warm spells.

Weak - feel weak, weakness, low energy, light, soft, like you may faint.

Weak legs, arms, or muscles.

Weight loss, weight gain.


•CHEST (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the chest area):

Chest tremors, trembling in the chest, chest feels like it is vibrating.

Chest pain or discomfort.

Concern about the heart.

Feel like you have to force yourself to breath.

Find it hard to breath, feeling smothered, shortness of breath.

Frequent yawning to try and catch your breath.

Heart Palpitations – beating hard or too fast, rapid heartbeat .

Heart - Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or ‘skipped’ beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough.

Pounding heart, heart feels like it is beating too hard.

Rib or rib cage tightness, pressure, or feeling like a tight band around the rib cage.


•EMOTION (see mood) (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with emotions, mood, and feelings):

Fears (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with fear):

A heightened fear of what people think of you.

Afraid of being trapped in a place with no exits.

Constant feeling of being overwhelmed.

Fear of being in public.

Fear of dying.

Fear of losing control.

Fear of impending doom.

Fear of making mistakes or making a fool of yourself to others.

Fear of passing out.

Fear that you are losing your mind.

Fears about irrational things, objects, circumstances, or situations.

Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings.

Heightened self awareness, or self-consciousness.

Need to find nearest washrooms before you can feel comfortable.

Need to seat near exits.


•HEAD (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the head):

Burning, itchy, tight scalp.

Dizziness or light-headedness.

Frequent headaches, migraine headaches.

Feeling like there is a tight band around your head, pressure, tightness

Head, neck or shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness .



Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling.

Shooting pains, stabbing pains, and odd pressures in the neck, head, or face.

Shooting pains in the face.

Shooting pains in the scalp or head.

When you close your eyes you feel like are beginning to, or will, float upwards.

Sore jaw that feels like a tooth ache.

TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) - clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth.


•HEARING/EAR/(s) anxiety symptoms commonly associated with hearing):

Feel like there is something stuck in your ear, that your ear canal it plugged or blocked, that there is a pebble in your ear that you can't get out.

Low rumbling sounds.

Reduced hearing, frequent or intermittent reduced hearing or deafness in one or both ears.

Ringing in the ears, noises in the ears, noises in the head.

Pulsing in the ears, throbbing sound in the ear(s).

Tickle or itch in your ear that you can't seem to get at.


•MOOD/EMOTIONS (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with mood, emotions, and feelings):

Always feeling angry and lack of patience.



Dramatic mood swings (emotional flipping).

Emotionally blunted, flat, or numb.

Emotions feel wrong.

Everything is scary, frightening.

Feeling down in the dumps.

Feeling like things are unreal or dreamlike.

Frequently being on edge or 'grouchy'.

Feel like crying for no apparent reason.

Have no feelings about things you used to.

Not feeling like yourself, detached from loved ones, emotionally numb.

Underlying anxiety, apprehension, or fear.

You feel like you are under pressure all the time.


•MOUTH/STOMACH (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the mouth and stomach):

A ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’, or unusual smell or taste.

Aerophagia (swallowing too much air, stomach distention, belching).

Burning mouth, feeling like the inside of your mouth is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these together or at different times.

Burning tongue, feeling like your tongue is burning, or tingling, or like pins and needles, or all of these, or all of these together or at different times.


Constant craving for sugar or sweets.



Difficulty swallowing.

Difficulty talking, pronouncing certain letters or sounds, mouth feels like it isn't moving right, slurred speech.

Dry mouth.

Feeling like you can’t swallow properly or that something will get caught in your throat.

Feeling like your tongue is swollen.


Lack of appetite or taste.

Lump in the throat, tight throat, something stuck in your throat.

Mouth muscles twitching/jumping.

Mouth or throat clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking.



Nausea or abdominal stress.


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling.

Stomach upset, gas, belching, bloating.

Teeth grinding.

The thought of eating makes you nauseous.

Tight throat, lump in throat.

Throat or mouth clicking or grating sound/noise when you move your mouth or jaw, such as when talking.


Tongue symptoms - Tingly, “stretched,” numb, frozen, itchy, “crawly,” burning, twitching, “jumpy,” aching, sore, or swollen tongue (when it isn’t).

Urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the washroom.


•SKIN (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with the skin):

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity.


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling.

Skin problems, infections, rashes.


•SLEEP (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sleep):

Difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Frequent bad, bizarre, or crazy dreams.

Hearing sounds in your head that jolt you awake.

Insomnia, or waking up ill in the middle of the night.

Jolting awake.

Waking up in a panic attack.

You feel worse in the mornings.


•SIGHT (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with sight):

Distorted, foggy, or blurred vision.

Dry, watery or itchy eyes.

Eye tricks, seeing things our of the corner of your eye that isn’t there, stars, flashes.

Eyes sensitive to light.

Spots in the vision.

Flashing lights when eyes are closed.

Your depth perception feels wrong.


•TOUCH (anxiety symptoms commonly associated with touch):

Burning skin sensations, skin sensitivity.

Feeling cold or chilled.


Numbness tingling, numbness and tingling.


Tingling, pins and needles feelings.


•Other anxiety symptoms are described as:

Being like a hypochondriac, muscle twinges, worry all the time, tingles, gagging, tightness in the chest, tongue twitches, shaky, breath lump, heart beat problems, head tingles, itchy tingling in arms and legs, and so many more.

In addition to these anxiety symptoms, you may also find yourself worrying compulsively about:

Having a heart attack

Having a serious undetected illness

Dying prematurely

Going insane or losing your mind

Suddenly snapping

Losing it

Uncontrollably harming yourself or someone you love

Losing control of your thoughts and actions

Being embarrassed or making a fool out of yourself

Losing control

Fainting in public

Not breathing properly

Losing control of reality

Choking or suffocating

Being alone.

These are some of the common panic and anxiety symptoms. But there are more that are not on the above list.

The Diagnosis of Panic Attacks and Anxiety Problems

•The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) lists the full range of physical symptoms which people may experience during a panic attack. These are:

shortness of breath or smothering.

accelerated heart rate or palpitations.

pains or discomfort in the chest.

feeling of choking.

feeling faint, dizzy or unsteady.

feelings of unreality (depersonalisation and derealisation).

tingling in the extremities, or numbness.

fear of losing control or going crazy.

fear of dying.

hot and/or cold flushes.


trembling muscles or shaking.

feeling nauseous or abdominal distress.

wanting to go to the toilet.

The manual describes the panic attack as: A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the above symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within ten minutes.

There should be no obvious life threatening situation setting them off.

You probably won’t experience all these things at the same time. Apparently, people on average tend to report having about seven different symptoms. Besides the physical sensations, people tend to share similar thoughts and feelings too. These are:

a sudden overwhelming feeling of fear, terror or apprehension.

an awful sense of impending doom.

being frightened you might die.

being scared you might go crazy or lose your mind.

fearing you might lose control completely.

Many sufferers experience more than four sensations. The sort of sensations they notice may not be exactly the same one week as another week. What bothers one person may not bother another.

The term “limited panic attacks” is used when someone suffers from only one or two of these feelings out of the blue. I’m saying “only” one or two, but this gives the wrong impression, because for these people one or two of these sensations catching them unawares can be worrying, aggravating and frequent enough to spoil their lives.

Although terrifying, none of these thoughts and feelings ever comes to anything. There is no evidence that anyone has ever died from a panic attack, and no one has ever gone crazy. Neither has anyone completely lost control of him or herself. There is no evidence of any¬thing bad ever happening to anyone during a panic attack, no matter how frightened they have felt. So be reassured that although what you feel is extremely unpleasant, you will come to no harm. It’s important that you realise this.

There is one particular combination of symptoms which is quite common and worth mentioning: palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath and a fear that you might be dying. It’s important only because those who have this combination tend to think they’re having a heart attack, like a few of the people quoted above. Typically, they may rush themselves to hospital, fearing the worst, only to find that the doctors pronounce their heart is strong and sound. Although people obviously feel a great deal of relief in being told that, they can also leave the hospital feeling confused and still somewhat frightened if the doctor doesn’t reassure them enough. They know they felt something powerful, very real and frightening, and without a proper explanation they may still harbour fears that they haven’t been told the truth, or that perhaps next time it will be a real heart attack.


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Beliebermika profile image
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4 Replies

Hello :-)

That is one very long list of anxiety symptoms you have copied and pasted down here but all can be due to anxiety

I think the most important thing is that we always get checked out with our Doctor first to make sure none of the symptoms mentioned are actually a health problem we may have and then when we get the all clear we need to try and start accepting that yes anxiety can make you feel all these things

Take Care x

Beliebermika profile image
Beliebermika in reply to

Yess thats true

Jeff1943 profile image

Thanks for posting that long list, it shows just how many ways anxiety can show itself. Today my daughter experienced itching on her hands and feet, another symptom. Hope nobody gets all these symptoms at the same time🙄

in reply to Jeff1943

O jeff I hope not as well to can you imagine :-o :-/

I hope you are keeping as well as can be :-) x

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