I hate taking tablets i can just about take paracetemol. O get so scared incase sethimg happens. It has taken me 3 years to finally take anxiety medication because i didnt want to feel strange. I took my first tablet last night before i went to sleep. I woke up at 2am having a madsive panic attack for 2 hours ! I couldnt sleep my heart was pounding my eyes felt funny i was shaking and felt severly sick as there was a constant lump in my throat. Everytime i shut my eyes it was as if someome was pulling them open. After 2 hours i fell asleep and have woke up this morning feeling awful again. Dry mouth. Very shaky. Feel spaces out. Very sock. I just want to no is this normal especially after one tablet??
1st citalopram tablet taket: I hate taking... - Anxiety Support
1st citalopram tablet taket

I was the same it took me a while to give Inand take medication.
I had citalpram myself and it take about 6 weeks to settle and get into ur system, I hadl 2 weeks of side effects of all sorts. I had to have the dose put up and didn't feel good so I went on to sertraline
I took mine on a morning but I was being sick so tried on a evening and I was OK up until 6 months, randomly started being sick after 20 mins of taking, so I went to the doc's and was Weaned off them and put onto venlafaxine
I had no side effects and all good so far.
Everyone is different, so give it a few weeks
Hope ur ok
I’m also new to citalopram been on them 2 weeks now my first night was horrendous, panicking and shakes don’t know if it was the tablet itself or the anxiety I had built up before hand as I hate taking new meds because of horror side effects but that only happened the first night and after that, apart from feeling a bit spaced out and dizzy for a few days i’m starting to feel a little better it just needs time to get into your system
Hi yes it has gone but does come back when im anxious. Mine is a side effect from
Anxiety x
No worries. Yes the increased anxiety did go but not going to lie it did take a while. It has taken me about 5 years to take meds ! The lump in the throat will go eventually trust me as long as you tell yourself it is just anxiety! I hated it. It made me feel like i was choking and was so scared but when i realised it was nothing serious it went. My anxiety hasnt completely gone but it is a lot bettwr. Obviously i have my bad days but in general it easier to deal with x
Yea mine was extremely bad !!