IBS C ANYONE ???? : Hello. Wondering who... - Anxiety Support

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Lvdmarte76 profile image
5 Replies

Hello. Wondering who else has IBS C and can share their symptoms with me.

I am bloated, constipated, upper stomach pain, tingling , cramps on right side of lower abdomen. I have good days and bad days. But the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach bothers me .. it's like a tingling sensation.

Any feed back would be appreciated

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5 Replies

I think you got stomach ulcer

LadyBarb profile image

Sorry, I didn't realise there was any other form of IBS, without constipation ~ before the 'expulsion' of the rest (trying to keep it polite here, lol!) 😳 Learn something new every day! Thank you! ❤️️😊

Yes, I've lived with it for over 29 years. I found that the bloating, pain, discomfort, constipation etc., came from allergies to certain food groups and/or medications.

I understood the feeling in the pit of MY stomach (not your stomach, 'my' stomach) had been due to when I was suffering from a 'nervous reaction' on top of, or brought on by, the reaction to food/medication allergies.

As ever, I'm not a medical person, therefore I'd seriously suggest that you speak with your gp, as to potential food allergies and tests (they're not complicated!) ~ and perhaps getting something like an antacid or Zantac, in the meantime, to see if that relieves some of the symptoms? The doc can do a prescription for Ranitidine, which is the generic name for Zantac ~ personally I'd rather pay for the "real" Zantac, IF your Doctor prescribes it!

Zantac's NOT an answer to your problems ~ potentially it would appear that change of diet, exclusion of certain foods is. I repeat, you need to go see your gp.

If he/she has any concerns that what you're suffering might be an ulcer, it'd be up to them to diagnose and treat it appropriately! ❤️️

I had a 'healed' ulcer that I hadn't even known I had ~ so given an allergen free diet, it just shows that these things can self-heal at times ~ but above all, see your Doctor, as I'm not one! 😊. Hope you're soon feeling better. All best wishes, Barbara xx

Lvdmarte76 profile image
Lvdmarte76 in reply to LadyBarb

Hi. Thank you so much for the reply , I greatly appreciate it . I think you are correct , I've noticed I get the tingling sensation when I eat rice, last 2 days have been fine with out . I try not to eat too much since I'm so bloated lately.

Hopefully I can get in to the GP in Jan when my insurance from my new job kicks in. Those tests are redicously expensive.

Thank you again and hoping to feel better most days ;)

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to Lvdmarte76

Hi, are you in the USA? If not and you're in the UK, your gp should be able to arrange these tests in a local hospital, without too long a wait. :)

Sorry, don't know the situation if you're in the USA ~ and need Insurance to pay for these tests! :( 😟

Please don't overly restrict your diet ~ just because of the bloating? Try cutting out anything with wheat in it for a start, in fact any of the 'grains' (you've already identified that rice isn't for you ~ doesn't sit well with me either) ~ and see how you get on? The most common allergies in the UK are wheat, dairy and sugar. And, 'diet' free items with 'fake' sugar are absolute poison to a 'delicate' / bloated stomach! 😟

If you eat light meals / snacks with a white meat (chicken, turkey etc ~ no coating, no spices, and never fried!), or a grilled or poached fish with a light salad (strangely lettuce of any kind is very hard to digest!), even have a chicken soup (preferably freshly made, and veg strained out of it) so that your stomach doesn't have to make too much of an effort at 'digestion', (natural strawberries in some plain yoghurt for breakfast can be a pleasant way to start the day!) ~ and avoid any breads, biscuits, cakes, sweet snacks, puddings, etc..), and in the process, give your stomach a 'rest' ❤️️ ~ but for goodness sake, please don't starve yourself in the process, PLEASE? ❤️️😊 You'll end up with an empty, acidic stomach..!

I know that the temptation, when bloating and getting weird side effects is to be overly cautious of the 'next' thing you eat, but in the process you can unwittingly cause more harm than good!

If you're a coffee or tea fiend, try to cut them down ~ not completely out, but at least down to 3 cups a day, don't do fizzy drinks, take "still" plain water ~ never chilled/iced, as it hits your stomach like a bomb when you're tender/bloated. Don't take acidic fruits, not even lemon or lime in plain water.

Just keep what you eat as simple as possible? ❤️️ I do hope you manage that, and let your GP 'diagnose' you ~ I can only tell you what has helped me.

As and when I get bloating, or even 'gastric reflux', I know it's because I've eaten something which I know doesn't agree with my digestion (although enjoyable at the time!) ~ and I know it's my responsibility to sort out what I'm eating once more. Nobody's 'perfect' ❤️️

Please take good care of yourself ~ and good fortune once the Insurance kicks in, in January.

I do hope you're enjoying your new job! 😊❤️️

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