For those who think they cant take it anymore or cant live with their anxiety or depression or what ever strikes them down either on a daily basis or monthly yearly etc please PLEASE you must remember a few things.. your not alone in this thats what made you come to this website you were seeking answers seeking a form of HOPE please DO NOT GIVE UP you must remember NOTHING LASTS FOREVER not even our pain nothing.. everyday we have a battle but we also have a choice in what we do.. no one can give you the answers you must find them yourselves we can only give you hope that the answers will present themselves to you soon a lot of people have suffered on this site including myself for their own length we may or may not have thought of suicide but thats NEVER the answer you see I had a buddy who ended his own life didnt say a damn thing it fucking hurt. Its the easy way out but its the hardest on those you leave behind no matter the way we communicate with people wether its a smile in the hallways or a conversation through fb or text or any other social media WE CONNECT eith people we touch each others hearts and every choice we so can affect someone other than yourselves ths post is to make awareness that IT WILL GET BETTER everything will be okay TIME and STRENGTH is all it takes to get that first step life is gonna knock us down OVER AND OVER we are gonna be affected by something that happens but PLEASE suicide is NOT THE ANSWER /: i can only imagine how some may think its the best thing to do is leave this pain and sufferring but everyone will be affected your parents your friends your exs your bf gf EVERYONE who knows maybe its not even better after we leave this world? Just PLEASE remember YOUR NOT ALONE YOUR SUFFERING can come to an END but you MUST NEVER GIVE UP please every person you connected with in life and on forums GET AFFECTED please we all care about you all and try our very best to help each and everyone of you guys get through another day.. we cannot look in the future because we will be affecting how we think such as if im like this in 5 years its gonna be hell i cant or beig in the past i wasnt like this back then we are in the NOW we must get rhough it one day at a time life will have its ups and downs but i promise you if you put in every ounce of effort in changing things can get better we are all here please do not leave this world no matter how hard you think this life is YOU ARE STRONG life would NEVER GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU CANT HANDLE if you ARE THIBKING ABOUT SUICIDE PLEASE REMEMBER the lives you touched will be affected when your no longer here.. your parents will be in constant heart break.. as an ambulance driver in my home town I see a lot of suicides.. IT FUCKING SUCKS.. please i cannot stress it enough THERE IS ALWAYS AN ANSWER other thans suicide.. IF your feeling like ending it PLEASE think about it think about what your about to do whos lives your about to change I HAVE BEEN THERE I HAVE TRIED IT MYSELF please.. do not feel hopeless im always here if you need to talk ANYONE idc! Just DONT END IT dont be done with life cause LIFE AINT DONE WITH YOU not even close! We can OVERCOME ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING
Ps- THIS ISNT a judgement kind of post this is a sincere post that i was affected by someones recent post and actions because we connected even if it was just for a few conversations having a good lauh or what ever this isnt meant to hurt people or make them feel weak this is a poster of this forum that CARES even if we just have a few back to back hey good mornings or a advice like conversation I CARE its being an EMPATH i feel everything even when i dont want to but please dont take my post negatively because i want nothing but positivity in the lives of everyone on this forum and in this post again I DONT MEAN ANY HARM