So what's your crutch... that one thing you need to hold to not feel crazy? For me... my phone, essential oils, cold water, calming music... must always have within reach! Unhealthy...probably but it gets me through. You?
Crutches...I know you have one!: So what's... - Anxiety Support
Crutches...I know you have one!

Ciggarets, lavender oil my purse actually looks crazy I pack toilet paper Tylenol my lavender oil/ lotion Tylenol my meds sometimes ice packs helps with panic attacks water
DeeM3, great question....Mine is deep breathing. It's always with me anywhere, anytime. That's my crutch. x
Meditating in the mornings ..or I’ll go nuts.. oils too! My nature sounds off my phone. A warm sweater (weird but having that cozy feeling keeps me calm) , hmm my water bottle. I sip my water throughout the day but when anxiety hits I take a big gulp lol :/ , hmm nice body butter . I massage my shoulders & part of my upper back to help with tension.
My copy of Claire Weekes' 'Self help for your nerves' but you knew I was going to say that.
❤️ Your Post! Yes l too use essential oils, the phone, tea lights, calming music, keep a selection of unread but l want to read magazines and books, audio books and OH YES an emergency tub of Chocolate ice cream in the freezer! Have started going to Yoga and adopting a more healthy lifestyle am eating no junk (apart from emergency ice cream) now and mostly Organic. I also write songs and play guitar too. Great way of expending additional energy and my word thankfully no one hears the lyrics to some of my songs unless l play out! We all have strategies even if we don’t realise it! Great topic to bring up! COME ON OUT all those of you “closet crutch users” and let’s hear your stories too! 😊
lavender lotion, my meds, my locket with a picture of Ava (My cat that past away) extra bad times a stuff animal. I have a polar bear that goes with me when I have hard hospital trips.... yup 37 & need it when anything involves a syrgine.