Does anyone get short of breath out of nowhere? Not even thinking about anything or anxious then I start feeling short of breath and start focusing on how I'm breathing and that causes anxiety. This is such a terrible feeling.. anyone?
Short of breath: Does anyone get short of... - Anxiety Support
Short of breath

Hi I suffer regularly from this but I know its anxiety related. I think if I was you id get a check up from the doctor if you havent already just to rule out its not something physical causing it such as asthma. If the doctor rules it out and says its anxiety you can feel short of breath if you shallow breathe or over breathe. When this happens to me I sit with back straight on a chair and put one hand on chest and one hand on my stomach. The aim is to keep your chest still and belly breathe. If you find this difficult lie on your back on the bed and put a book on your stomach and then breathe from your stomach and out through your mouth. Practise this exercise several times a day (aim to do 5–10 breaths each
time you practise).
Yeah I have asthma I agree. Also look at what your doing when it happens is it exercise? Dust? Certain things like smoke or perfume? Changes in temperature? Asthma attacks can be brought on by all kinds of things. Maybe keep a dairy of your breathing problems and see if there's something your doing or come across that starts them off. And yes anxiety does it too or makes it worse.
I don't have asthma. I went to the doctor and had a full physical, complete blood work up, and EKG..perfectly healthy. But suffer from anxiety and health anxiety. Sometimes my symptoms just come on without notice or for no reason it seems.
I see yeah well at least that's something ruled out then. Thanks for explaining. Have you tried seeing a therapist who specialises in that? You'd want a CBT therapist most likely as they can retrain your behaviour and thoughts so to speak. Have you tried any CBT yourself? I would imagine a therapist who has treated people with similar conditions like say OCD would help you a lot as they will be treating anxiety disorders all the time.
I suffer with this, actually have it right now, it is annoying. But the more you think about it the worse it gets so I find getting lost in funny you tube videos for an hour or so helps...or what ever might peel your mind away from the way your breathing 🌿
Yeah I get this everyday. It's horrible, and overall it's like I've forgotten how to breath.
Yes it's terrible. So even when you don't feel anxious you get short of breath? And focus on your breathing so much it's like you forget to breathe or you're not getting enough oxygen?