so this is embarrassing to say but im kind of worried about this now, anyway i had unprotected sex with this girl on friday, and about 2 days after i found these red bumpy spots kind of on the head on my genitals... it doesnt really inch or anything but i woke up the other day and it was hurting quite a lot. i will mention this to my doctor tomorrow it doesnt sound like anything seroius does it? also they've gotten kinda worse and its kinda gone into a rush
NOT GOOD.: so this is embarrassing to say... - Anxiety Support

Yeah you should definitely talk to your doctor about it
Also wrap it before you tap it smh
😞 at least you're going to the doctor
You'll be fine bro. I had the same thing happen to me too.
Always use protection. Remember, there's some infections antibiotics won't cure. What if you have genital herpes now? There's no cure, only anti-virals for the rest of your life. Be safe!
Bro... think about this.. You feel like everything is a lot worse (and I'm not saying this cannot be bad) but use this as a learning tool... it shows you just how you think... give yourself a break and you just might feel a little better overall. Your a good guy... but remember only you Vann control your mind.
Hello Errivbr, glad to hear ur going to ur dr. U have my support no matter the turn out. Feel free to chat.
I'm sorry but I believe The response from LM92 is not true! Antibiotics WILL cure genital herpes if that's what you got. Not to be a b#itch or anything but I would hope this "mistake" you made will remind you to always protect yourself during sex. Especially THESE days.
Antibiotics WON'T cure herpes of any types because it is a viral infection. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections. I know this because last year I had a false positive on a test at my yearly gynecological check up and had to take a 6 week course of antiviral medication until I could be retested to know for sure. Thank God it was negative, but no, once you have herpes, you have it, period. Do a google search.
Might just be thrush. Women get it cause its naturally part of our systems but can pass it on to men who find it horrible.
Defo use protection next time. Bigger, longer lasting things can come from sex.
See your doc and they should give you something for it.
Whatever you do do not panic before seeing your doc. The likelihood of it being something untreatable is not high. Lesson learned hopefully!
So did u go to the doctor