This is my first time posting but i just needed some reassurance I'mnot alone.. i keep getting palpitations of a night and some days i get a chest pain and am terrified i might die in my sleep with a heart attack. It's so bad that i barely get any sleep lately. I've also been suffering with an almost constant dizziness for over two months and have no idea if they're connected. I went to A&E recently with abnormal heart beats and everything was fine, and am waiting on results of a 24 hour ECG 😥
Scared of impending heart attack - Anxiety Support
Scared of impending heart attack

Heart disease dont occur like this .
If you might be at a risk , doctors would have surely told you
RidingHood, do go and talk to your doctor about the dizziness for reassurance but this and the palpitations are very common symptoms of high anxiety and the chest pain is muscular pain caused by tension in that area which you are feeding with too much attention.
A&E have checked your heart and I assure you with absolute certainty you are not going to die (though still look both ways crossing the road☺) and you are not going to have a heart attack
All this has been caused by some extra stress or worry in your life, only you can work out what that cause is but you must protect yourself from it by making the necessary changes.
Your symptoms of high anxiety will continue so long as you continue to stress, obsess and fear them for anxiety feeds on fear. So accept that you have no life threatening illnesses: anxiety has the power to frighten you but it cannot kill, disable or send you crazy.
Self help involves you framing your m7nd to ACCEPT these annoying symptoms for the moment calmly and without fear, accept them completely and cease your constant introspection and in time I assure youall these symptoms will pass. You may care to buy a book by Doctor Claire Weekes titled 'Self help with your nerves' from Amazon, it was written many years ago but is pre-eminant for giving you understanding, reassurance and a proven path to recovery through the acceptance method.
When the dizziness, palps and other symptoms come just relax every muscke in your body, let them all go limp and just relax.
A few months ago I has palpitations for a few weeks during a stressful time but because I did not fear them or give them undue attention they went as I knew they would and knew they were just 'nerves' having had it before and being armed with the knowledge and wusdom of Claire Weekes' book.
You are going to be fine, RidingHood.
Thankyou, you have put me at ease a bit (for now!) I have gone to the drs about my dizziness 3 times now and they can't pin point what's causing it 😵 I'll definitely try those techniques as i certainly panic more at the moment when i experience any symptoms, and I'll look up that book too. Thankyou!
Anxiety takes many forms but it is always still anxiety. It is a shape shifter and can present itself in many guises imitating serious organic illnesses. But it is not a serious organic illness it is merely a glitch of our jangled nerves, it is in fact a fraud, a fake. When we master our fear of fake symptoms and accept the diagnosis of doctors and specialists that it is all 'nerves' and high anxiety we have the reassurance we need and the fear recedes and our recovery begins. How good it is on that day to be alive.
I've been dealing with the same thing, not so much heart palpitations at night (even though I get them all the time) but just a couple of days ago I gained a new symptom that's been affecting me any time I get my heart rate up i have a heart palpitation every other heart beat and it is definitely scary and uncomfortable as it feels like my heart is going to stop. I've been dealing with every day dizziness starting in April and having a two month span where I felt better but now I'm dizzy again and doctor says it's also anxiety. I'm also anemic and have hyperthyroidism.
Is that over the counter ? I've been taking Dramamine and it helps some, better than the dizzy medicine they prescribed to me.
It is! Stugeron 15, It's a travel sickness tablet but if you take 2 tablets 3 times a day it does actually help with dizziness too, I discovered this through lots of searching on the internet.. but it does work! I got prescribed prochlorperazine which i felt didn't help a great deal either :/ and side effects could be dizziness (oxymoron) but stugeron (cinnirazine) has hardly any side effects
Could very well be anxiety-related. Palpitations are a very common symptom of anxiety, as are pains of all sorts and dizziness. If your tests come back okay, then you are dealing with anxiety issues. When the palpitations occur, tell yourself that they are not dangerous, and do some calm breathing exercises and listen to calming music. You might want to speak to the doctor about a med. to help you sleep as well. Good luck!