Insomnia sucks. It makes the day seem so much longer and I'm bored out of my mind! If anyone wants to talk to me that'd be great or any activities or anything to suggest would be greatly appreciated!
Insomnia, anyone want to talk?: Insomnia... - Anxiety Support
Insomnia, anyone want to talk?
Reading, music? Sounds hypocritical but being on a phone doesn't help bc the light actually keeps you up.
That's true and I'm aware of this lol. I almost always have the tv on as well because I like the background noise which is of course another contributing factor...
Sure. How long have you been unable to sleep?
Well it's 2 am where I am and I aim to sleep before midnight. I just discontinued a medication because it was messing with my sleep and now my whole sleep cycle is off

I'm sorry to hear that. It is 2 here too. Do you have to get up early?
No which I'm thankful for lol. You?

Yes, I have to get up at 7. 🙁
Ugh that's awful!

I know! I fell asleep around midnight and woke up around one with my heart beating out of my chest. The fear seems to be gone, but the sleepiness is gone as well.
Yeah that'll definitely do it. I get that way or wake up gasping for air which makes me too scared to fall asleep again 😓
Hey how are you ?