I feel like I'm going crazy from weird fee... - Anxiety Support

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I feel like I'm going crazy from weird feelings and feelings of fear and craziness!

ElliottSt profile image
52 Replies

I've been fighting with strange feelings everyday for months now and I'm not sure what's going on! I was just sitting in my house one night being calm and I think I was playing video games when out of no where I had a blanket of fear,panic,anxiety, all of the above and was shaking with the most horrible feelings I've ever felt!!it's been months and months now and it's still lingering around and comes back from time to time!!at times I feel as if I'm going crazy and there's no hope and it's so hard to explain to someone it is very frustrating!I haven't felt like myself since that moment I was explaining in my room and still makes no sense why it hit so hard and so fast out of no where!and I wanted to add to this with saying leading up to this I was having tons of heart palpitations and missing heart beats for months leading up to the day all this started happening!!I'm just really scared and feel like I'm never going to be the same again and this is going to end up driving me off the deep end!!Am I going to have Elliott back or is this going to stay with me forever!!I'm just tired of feeling like this and doing everything I can to cope and make this subside but it seems to just linger around and bring me down all day everyday

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ElliottSt profile image
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52 Replies
Peacewithin1 profile image

You will have Elliot back. It will take some time but you'll get there. Have you visited your Dr. To get the palpitations checked out? Sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Peacewithin1

Ya went to the ER and my primary and they did test and said my heart looks ok from what they can see and there just saying it's anxiety!but I've had anxiety foe most of my life and this feels nothing like it I just feel like I'm not myself at all and feelings I've never had before

Brih677 profile image
Brih677 in reply to ElliottSt

Yes i am in the exact same boat. No doctor is giving me any answers. Its weird. i dont feel like me, but i know im me.

Peacewithin1 profile image
Peacewithin1 in reply to ElliottSt

Same here. I can totally relate. My Grandmother used to call it growing pains.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Peacewithin1

I really hope I feel like myself one day cause I don't like this at all its really scary

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Peacewithin1

I really hope I get Elliott back soon this is the worst thing I've ever experienced!!it's been months and months of hell

Brih677 profile image

I feel the same way. i understand what your going through!!!

Chala555 profile image

You will be yourself again. It will take time to recover from this. You cant expect results overnight. As for your heart palpitations, its just the anxiety but you can never be to sure. If you feel its something else have a visit to your doctor and see what they tell you. Good luck and keep pushing :)

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Chala555

It's been about 4 months straight it is subsiding a little bit but is still with me every second of everyday and really getting to me...how long did yours stick around for!My doctor said my heart is fine but still get sharp pains ever here and there:/

Chala555 profile image
Chala555 in reply to ElliottSt

Im sorry you're going through this. Glad to know that nothing is wrong with you physically. I still suffer from this. However my problem right now is that my surroundings and people around me dont exist including myself. Its scary but i still push through.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Chala555

Sorry that your surroundings suck I feel ya on that I'm to scared to leave the house because a this crap and my house is a strange place for sure

ciley profile image
ciley in reply to Chala555

yes, you can feel so 'remote' you may as well be a ghost, esp when people suspect you may have a prob, I've had total strangers tell me to 'cheer up' hypocrites !

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Chala555

Thanks Chala

carrieprice1998 profile image

I am smothered with anxiety as well right at this moment. My chest just feels funny and having heart palpitations and just don't feel good. I had panic attacks off and on all night last night and today, your not alone and I know it sucks but everyone with anxiety goes through it. Hope you get better soon.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to carrieprice1998

How long have you been experiencing this...days..months..years??I've had this going on for months now and had something like it happen about 6 years ago and it took like 2 years of Cymbalta and feeling like a zombie to come back to myself

carrieprice1998 profile image
carrieprice1998 in reply to ElliottSt

It's been years for me, off and on and I'm not on any meds because I don't want to be addicted to anything. It's so bad without meds but somehow I'm still coping.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to carrieprice1998

Ya I didn't like the meds that I was on years ago and don't want to be on them again but I might have to if this keeps up the way it is!hope you fell better soon Carrie

carrieprice1998 profile image
carrieprice1998 in reply to ElliottSt

Thank you and I hope you feel better soon also!

Gdoll profile image
Gdoll in reply to carrieprice1998

I don't like meds either so I take the vitamin called GABA, our bodies produce it naturally.

pata99 profile image

Hope this will make you understand the cause of our fear...the strange symptoms go with it...calmclinic.com/anxiety/amyg...

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to pata99

I wish it was that simple to pinpoint but I have no idea where to start with figuring out why this is happening or what I did to deserve this craziness!!

pata99 profile image
pata99 in reply to ElliottSt

The answer is that we have come to normalize our stressful life and the glorify of multitasking 24/7. The result are all here in healthunlocked...

Usagold profile image

Hey Elliott, I just woke up with a pressure in my chest making it difficult to breathe, it feels very unhealthy, and I've been getting lots of heart skips and heart racing in the night for no reason, other than "anxiety". I have thought I was dying several times! I had gotten better (no meds) but after my mom died in March, it all came back. I know what I have to do now, and it might help you... 1) Pray and seek God. He allows difficult times because it draws us closer to Him, which is the happiest life 2) Do not stress over your symptoms. It's anxiety, so let it do whatever it wants and accept it. If you fear a symptom, it stays. 3) Negative thinking and fear are the reason we have it, so completely stop any negative thoughts ("I'm just really scared and feel like I'm never going to be the same again..."). Retrain your brain to see the best possible outcome. Memorize Philippians 4:8. You WILL be Eliott again, a better Elliott.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Usagold

Thank you usagold anything helps right now and I highly appreciate it

Indigojoe profile image

ElliotSt. What if...... something in the video game or your thought about the video scene at that moment triggered something and you reacted intensely? My experience with skipped heart beats and fast HR etc is 98% my gut. I found that my gut or my stomach was " off" something I had eaten, triggered irritation in my GI track and my heart seems to go off not my gut. Until of course I have a major " blow out" within hours or a day of the heart stuff. Most of the REAL problems never give you anxiety. Its just the way it is. How are you doing now?

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Indigojoe

I'm doing ok but it's still lingering around like usual! Ya my palpitations and heart calmed down the past couple months but still get little sharp pains in my heart here and there..and ya I do think that something was said or something I was talking about or thinking about that night triggered whatever is going on!but still confused on what happened and why it happened

ElliottSt profile image

I can't stop thinking about am I going to be ok and will I have my old self back so I can continue on with my life this isn't me at all I feel like a completely different person!!

elizabethbinion profile image

Hi Elliot! I'm 36 and all of a sudden this year, out of the blue, had my first panic attack EVER. I've had about 40 of them since. That was 3 months ago. My chest hurts a lot and I've had every heart test there is besides a heart cath. All came back normal but I can't grasp that the docs are right. I keep thinking they missed something and I constantly worry about my heart. I also have problems figuring out if what I'm doing is real or not. I had HORRIBLE depersonalization all weekend. I woke up today and it was gone for now. When I go out in public it gets worse. I had to take FMLA from work and am supposed to go back on 7/31 and am scared I won't be able to function there. You're NOT alone. I hope and pray we both get our lives back because this is no way to live.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to elizabethbinion

Thankyou Elizabeth

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to elizabethbinion

I have had this weird feeling in my brain and I feel very scared and worried and don't feel like myself at all I've had anxiety and panic attacks before and this feels nothing like it!!I'm just so scared and worried that I will never get my old happy,calm,and outgoing self back!!it's like I keep telling my friend's and family,"I just want Elliott back so bad."it feels like something else is torturing me and I can't stop thinking about what I did to bring this on or deserve this!

elizabethbinion profile image
elizabethbinion in reply to ElliottSt

I feel the same way with the weird, indescribable feeling. I don't know what to do or where to turn to feel like myself again. Every aspect of my life has suffered. I've seen TWO therapists, a hypnotherapist, countless doctors, and talked to my pastor at church and still no relief. I'm going on 4 months of this.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to elizabethbinion

Your in my prayers as well I hope we get better and get over this nonsense that's destroying our lives!!I just keep trying to remember the saying....This to shall pass!but it's so hard to see the other side I know it's hard and I can't grasp it myself

elizabethbinion profile image
elizabethbinion in reply to ElliottSt

That's just it, I'm scared it won't pass! It consumes my every thought! Thank you for your prayers! I will pray for you every night and morning when I say mine. I know what this is like for you. :(

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to elizabethbinion

I'm literally crying while I'm sitting here thinking about this!I'm so over it and it's so hard to explain

elizabethbinion profile image
elizabethbinion in reply to ElliottSt

I cry every single day uncontrollably, just from pure frustration.

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to elizabethbinion

Ya I'm 29 and feel like such a weak person now from this it makes no sense to me

elizabethbinion profile image
elizabethbinion in reply to ElliottSt

Yeah I'm a tad older, I'm 36, but I've never been a weak person. I just cannot get through this or accept it.

Robert214 profile image

Hi Elliot, my name is Robby. I had (have) really bad anxiety similar to what you describe.

There are two things that help me with my anxiety and I hope they can help you too. One is working out. The other is taking up a hobby, something creative or stress relieving

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Robert214

Did you have strange feelings in your head and not feel like yourself at all and extremely worried and confused about what's happening!!I don't even know where to start I feel like I'm going crazy and something is very wrong!I've had anxiety and a disorder like this in the past but it wasn't anything like this it's so hard to explain

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Robert214

Ya Robby I have always loved video games and music my whole life and I can't handle either right now which makes no sense to me!!all the things that once made me happy I now have no thought of and isn't part of my life right now cause I'm so worried about what's happening to me!and it doesn't help to have doctor's tell you it's just anxiety but I strongly feel it's not cause I've had it before and this feels nothing like panic or anxiety!I'm so frustrated and scared of what's going on and I have no answers which is destroying me!I want Elliott back so bad

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to ElliottSt

I've been wanting to go to the gym as well but I can't even get myself to have any courage or motivation to do anything right now!I'm 29 years old and haven't left my father's side in months from being so scared and confused

Jmerrick22 profile image

I feel your pain. I have this strange thing in my head I'm convinced I'm dying it's making me insane . I'm always paranoid and such but lately I haven't been . Do you take any meds ?

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to Jmerrick22

No no meds I've been through this before but it felt a little bit different than this but maybe it's because I was younger then I was about 20 when something like this happened and I was on Cymbalta for almost 2 years and I stopped taking them because I felt better!but they did make me feel kind of zombied out and never liked how they made me feel! At the same time though they did kind of work but I don't want to rely on pills ever again

whatacalamity profile image

Hi :) what you're going through at the minute sounds really difficult. If it's okay, I'm going to share my own experience with panic attacks which sounds (to me anyway) quite similar. I hope you are able to find something in it relevant to you which might be of some help.

Last year, I was sitting in bed doing not much at all. My friend smiled at me, and I immediately felt all the heat drain out of my body, I had thoughts that the world was evil(?) And that people wanted to hurt me. I felt like I was dying or about to die. And I felt completely insane. Like I was terrified I was going crazy. Out of nowhere.

I'd always been a little anxious, but these panic attacks were completely new.

I left it untreated for weeks and it kept going but I started recognising that I wasn't going to be hurt despite feelings though I was, and was better able to ride out the storm. I think that having the knowledge that you will soon be okay as it is happening helps enormously.

Just tell yourself; I'm anxious now. I can feel my heart beating fast, but it's okay. It is happening because I am anxious. There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with feeling anxious. It will be gone soon. I will be okay.

I found trying to resist the anxiety actually made it worse because then I was panicking about being anxious. That just added to the symptoms.

Anxiety is a natural thing. But you are experiencing it during inappropriate moments. It's scary. But you will be okay.

I became depressed with the attacks. I was having three a week, they would go on for hours at the beginning as I didn't understand what was happening and worked myself up. My friend persuaded me to go to the doctor.

The doctor was able to prescribe a benzodiazepine. These completely take the edge off the panic . If you can get these meds they should help you immensely. They are addictive so make sure you take as few as you possibly can. But do take them when you feel an attack happening.

I was also prescribed an antidepressant (escitalopram). For anxiety. It worked but completely knocked me out. I spent most of the day sleeping.

Then I was prescribed sertraline. Within months the attacks had stopped. I am still taking sertraline. Aside from some severe nausea at the start of treatment there have been few side effects and it has taken away my attacks and I'm back to me.

A counselor might help to find where these attacks are coming from. Maybe triggered by something in your past, a bad memory. Maybe it's an exacerabtion of your anxiety, in which case CBT with a therapist may help.

Nothing you're doing has brought this on. It's an illness. Please talk to a doctor. They can help. Try not to fight against the anxiety. It's so hard but try and accept it as a passing struggle and wait for it to subside. It won't hurt you. It will pass . See a doctor, don't be afraid to swap meds if you feel that a specific one isn't working for you . One of them will. And you won't even have to feel like a zombie. I hope you help yourself to feel better soon :)

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to whatacalamity

Thank you for your input but the thing is with me is that when this happened first it won't stop and has been constant for months now sometimes more intense than others but always lingering around now and another thing is I've had anxiety and panic attacks before and this is nothing like this!! It's so hard to explain but I think it was stress and anxiety bottled up cause I was having heart palpitations for about a year before the night this happened and they were at a all time high when this first started and now they seem to have gone away for the most part but one here and there which leads me to think that I was bottling up so much stress and anxiety that my body could not hold it anymore and just completely consumed me and hasn't really stopped for months now! It's so scary to not feel like myself!now I'm just being patient and waiting to start coming down to earth and back to myself and be the happy,outgoing,calm,caring person that I once was😕

ElliottSt profile image
ElliottSt in reply to ElliottSt

And another thing is I have been through a similar situation years ago and I was put on Cymbalta and was on it for about 2 years and the strange feelings eventually subsided still to this day I'm not sure if it was the pills or my own body that kicked whatever was going on before!! I stopped taking them and I don't ever want to be on them again I really hope I can get through this without pills that are horrible for you!!

ElliottSt profile image

Where oh where has Elliott gone please come back!! I want to feel normal again so bad

Indigojoe profile image
Indigojoe in reply to ElliottSt

ElliotSt. How r u doing today?

ElliottSt profile image

I would like to here more things to calm me down and know that I'm going to be ok and not losing my mind!please help

ElliottSt profile image

Is anyone out there with more advice I feel a little bit better but things are still very strange and my days are mashed together with strange feelings and depression and all of the above

Tarot777 profile image

Hi Elliott, I had this and now my son has it. How are you now?

Moon_Glitter profile image

Elliot, I'd like to hear from you.

Can you please let me know how your fairing these days?

This may sound strange, but at the times you were going through this, or anytime before, had you played with spirit boards or come in contact with a person, place or thing that made you feel scared or uncomfortable?

Message me if you'd like..

Love and Light sent your way.

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