I have been having this headache for one week and lasting 24/7 it's not severely painful that i need to lay down but it's their and it's effecting my life, i have always been feeling very sick with no appetite and the thought of food makes it worse. I found out from the internet that it could be a brain tumor or something serious so i am worrying alot
Doctors today and feeling scared - Anxiety Support
Doctors today and feeling scared

Thanks i will and I'm 22 and never really had headaches before this
I had no appetite when i was anxious but if you are hungry u will get headaches. Keep hydrated and maybe get checked for food intolerances
I'm also worried because i have seen people say they haven't found anything that has stopped the heahaches for years and this is effecting me alot, i can't concentrate on anything else, i just think about my headache all day long
Hi mrsamsouth,
Best of luck with your visit today!! Let me know how you get on?
Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it for you.
Thank you and yes i will, I'm finding it hard to believe it is anything other than a brain tumor because i don't know anyone who has had a headache for 1 week and lasting 24/7 everyday so not really very positive
What times you're appointment today?
3:00pm so in 2 hours, i hate being worried and scared all the time
I know I totally relate to how you feel.
I've got my fingers crossed for you just make sure you tell them exactly how your feeling and the impact it's having on you're life.
Good luck!
He basically told me it's a tension headache and he wasn't very nice or helpful so i feel like not much has been resolved and he basically told me he didn't want to hear me keep talking about the headache... he didn't test my blood pressure or give me any tests so i don't even know why i bothered
I can sense your frustration Mrsamsouth after your doctor's visit and nothing resolved. You walk out the same way you walked in.
Years ago when my life had turned into a living nightmare, I had continuous tension headaches. It was my body's way of saying my life was out of control. After having been to my GP, a Neurologist and being cleared for any medical crisis, I went to a Rheumatologist who helped me realize how muscular contraction headaches feed off our stresses, produce triggers points that lead to referred pain. And bam, you have continuous pain until these trigger points are addressed.
It is not taken care of by pain meds but by releasing the cause of the headaches. Physical therapy helped me immensely as well as biofeedback, massage, meditation, hypnotherapy and even acupuncture. I reached out for anything that would help control the pain. Talking therapy was most important in learning to reduce the stress in my life. Proper body alignment, exercising all helps in restoring the body to a more calm and peaceful state.
You will get there even if it doesn't seem like it right now.
The doctor has given me Amitriptyline but i don't know much about it and how it will help me stop feelings sick and having these constant headaches...
Amitriptyline is a good drug for pain. I was given it when first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the headaches associated with it. It does work for a lot of people.
Did you have any side effects and how much was you on? They have given me 10mg
I don't remember the dosage because it was so long ago. I was taken off it after 2 weeks because of severe constipation. It did help with the pain during that time.
Well if I was you I'd be ringing again and ask to see a different doctor. I know it's disheartening and I've had to see many a crap doctor to finally get anywhere.
Please stick with it.. I'm certain it's nothing to worry about.
Thank you, i hope you are doing ok, I'm finding it difficult to take the meds the doctor has given me as I'm worrying about the side effects and i can't imagine to feel worse than i already am feeling
I felt the same about taking my Meds as she told me they'd make me very sick and indeed it's starting to make me feel a bit funny but I keep thinking of the good it will do in the long run and that this is minor compared.
What are you taking and what effects is it having on you?
Sertraline and it's making me get strange skin creeping sensations mostly on my face and lips. Also loss of appetite and a nausea. I've had a stubborn headache. And my eyes feel really heavy and like my jaw is locking but other than that all good haha.
It sucks, the doctor gave me these to try and help with my daily headaches so i hope my headaches don't get worse or what is the point in taking these tablets...
Well like they say sometimes things have to get worse to get better.. I'm all for sticking with it if it works. At least they've given you something it's a start.
Yes i will take one tablet tonight and see how i feel, hope you feel better too
You should try physical therapy! Or even a massage and tell them to work on your shoulders and neck. I've also been going to the chiropractor for my headaches and honestly it's the only thing that's made a big difference for me. I hope you feel better soon!
Would the doctor have to agree for me to go and see a physical therapist?
No they don't you can go on you're own! But if you have insurance the doctor can recommend you and it might be covered!
Does it cost a lot of money to see one? As I'm only 22 and money is short at the moment as i haven't been working often becuause of this constant illness
I completely understand. No clue where you're from or anything so it's hard to say but I believe the first time I went it was around $50
I'm from england and ok thanks i will try and look into it, was they very helpful and how long did a session last for?
I think going at least once will benefit you. It's up to you, he gave me stretches to do every morning and night. If you read about tension headaches they can be cause by some muscles in your head being tight and the stretches help with that.
If you I'd also suggest a chiropractor, I went a few weeks ago and because I was dealing with this for so long there were little tendons in my neck that were out of place which were contributing to my headaches.
I wish you all the luck and hope you'll find what works for you!
Also did you take medication for your headaches? I had this problem for 3 months and never did once so I was wondering if anything helped you.