Pills: Was anybody ever able to get off... - Anxiety Support

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25 Replies

Was anybody ever able to get off their pills? I don't want to take them anymore but I don't feel good.

25 Replies

Hello again Trees....

You need to update us....has your klonopin be reduced like you thought it would be? Are those the pills you are talking about, or are there other pills you mean. How are you not feeling "good"?

Sorry you're not have a good day.

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The depression and anxiety. Nothing makes me happy.

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You sound very unhappy. Help us to help you. Please tell me what has happened since we last had a post from you. Did your klonopin get reduced? If it was, how many days ago was that?

Why are you feeling so unhappy?

What has happened?

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Nothing happened. I don't want to be on pills anymore. My klonopin was reduced 3 weeks ago by 1/4 mg. I'm unhappy because I want my life back.

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Oh, my...you are like most of us, we want our lives back too, so you are not alone.

But I think if you can be patient, your life is getting better. Just a day or so ago you were writing how afraid you were to having the klonopin reduced, but now you seem calmer and less klonopin doesn't seem to bother you. Congratulations on that victory.

Now the doctors will monitor your other medications for awhile since klonopin has been reduced to see what the next step is for you.

I know its so hard to be patient and want things to be different right now. But you can do this and know that you seem to be getting good medical care.

It's ok to be unhappy and tell us so on this venue. We'll answer you and be your cheer leading section to encourage you. I take some pills, but not like I had to years ago...so maybe that will be the same for you...but each of us is different, special and we'll be here as you learn what the doctors tell you, ok? OK.

Keep writing, we're here and will reply. :)

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I'm scared of being scared. I'm afraid of the anxiety

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Hello. I had to leave my home to take care of my service dog and run errands. So I regret my late response to you.

Are you on line now?

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I just want to cry all thetime

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I feel that fear in my stomach makes me want to cry all the time.

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They reduced it 1/4 mg. These are the ones that will be hard to get off. I've been taking 3mg for 41/2years

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Ok the klonopin was reduced by 1/4.

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I cry everyday and I'm afraid of the fear. I'm on cymbalta and buspar

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Ok, are you actually feeling any different than before the klonopin was reduced by 1/4? Or are you afraid you will be feeling worse after a few days with the klonopin being reduced?

You still are taking cymbalta and buspar. These are very well known medications that should be able to help even with the reduction in the klonopin.

Are you feeling badly because you didn't want to have the amount of klonopin reduced, and you feel no one listened to you being afraid of that?

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Klonopin was reduced 3weeks ago.

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I want to be off but I'm scared

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I'm afraid of being worse

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Hello. Are you there? I had to leave for awhile to take care of my service dog and run some errands. Are you on line now to "talk"?

Wanted you to know we are all afraid that changing from a medication like klonopin can be a worry for us.

But many times, it is all ok. You said the klonopin was reduced several weeks ago. You don't say your anxiety is worse.

So that's good. It's ok to be worried, but looks like you not be so don't worry yourself so much. Just let us know what is happening to you when you are reading this.

Are you still at the partial hospitalization program? Where you outside today? Did you see any beautiful flowers blooming?

Deannajean profile image
Deannajean in reply to

I'm always afraid of being worse, but the thing with that is, if we get worse, we will survive that too, because that's who we've turned out to be, a group of survivors. It's not always pretty and it's not fu , but we survive. That's what we do. I always suggest a few things to new people I meet. Bring up taking Gabapentin if you haven't before. It was/is my wonder drug for anxiety. Not a drug they typically use any more, but they should and ifbyou request it and have a good doc they should let you try it. I'm on 1200mg 3x a day. And I can get out of bed and breathe. That's a good day for me. I also suggest looking into orthomolecular medicine which is vitamin therapy - Andrew Saul, also amino acid therapy but I forgot the lady's name but her book is called the Mood cure book. Amino acids made me feel the most normal I'd ever felt in 39 years of my life. It was amazing. Yet short lived for me. Hopefully works better for others. Hang in there. We all do and we're all on your side rootin for you ❤️

in reply to Deannajean

Thank you

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So far klonopin has been reduced 1/2mg and now I'm feeling it. Fearful and sad.

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Ok, take it easy. Is there a therapist or doctor available to let them know how you are feeling? You're going to be ok. Sometimes if you keep worrying, that actually makes how you feel be worse. Just take it easy, remember to breathe through your nose and out your mouth. OK?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Trees2357, That's good that you are still on other meds that will help take up the slack of reducing the Klonopin. Small cuts every 2-3 weeks will get you there. When I was weaning off, my doctor was following the Dr. Ashton method where Valium was introduced in helping me wean off safety and with as little side effects as possible. It still was difficult and then once I was off Ativan, I had to wean off the Valium. In your case, you have your other meds protecting you and not needing to get off them once you are through with Klonopin. It's not easy, but you will be okay. We are all here to support you.

Michele_B profile image

I have an "as needed" that I take if I need it but I am off my daily. My doctor actually prescribed me a daily and I did have it filled but I never started taking it.

in reply to Michele_B

Congratulation! Really glad to hear you are able to deal with your health challenges without daily meds. That's the dream for many of us, but I also know some of us have actual brain chemical imbalances that we are just lucky (?) to have and require meds daily. I say "lucky", because at least we know we're not just nuts, and maybe we're a little "special" because we have that. lol :)

Gloria66 profile image

I've probably taken every drug prescribed for depression/ anxiety/bi-polar/ptsd/. After 12 years, I am still on maintenance meds. I've stopped different meds on my own because of the side effects, but felt worse. It took so long for them to get out of my system, it was almost unbearable. My neurologist asked me how I felt about taking meds the rest of my life, because that's my only option. I guess he's right. But that's me.. everybody's different. I've felt like a guinea pig all these years for having to change from one med to another constantly. Last summer I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. It's possible that some of them caused the disease. I'm hoping everyone with these posts will find the right answer for their symptoms. Be strong & hang in there.

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