Paranoid to take them because I read the symptoms up and if I feel like this I won't be happy
Scared of the Sertraline pills : Paranoid to... - Anxiety Support
Scared of the Sertraline pills
Side effects are pretty rare and always go if you stop taking the tablets, so why not give them a go? Presumably you are anxious and or depressed and they are very likely to help that
Some years ago medication never came with these leaflets telling you all the side effects meds could give you , they would come in a little bottle , a sticker on the front saying how many to take and that was it and most would take them and never complain of side effects , now they put all these leaflets inside listing anything that has been reported , it could be just a handful that has reported something out of millions of people that have taken them but they have to add it on if it has and then people like us read it and our anxiety goes through the roof !
I struggle with this and have stopped researching meds or reading the leaflets , what I do is give the leaflets to the hubby and tell him if I start complaining and he thinks I have a side effect to let me know , that way nothing has been planted in my head to create any fear
With a lot of medications you can get slight side effects but these usually disappear once you have adapted to them and the benefits can outweigh the negatives of just putting up with adapting to them but like you say you cannot carry on the way you are feeling so something needs to change and medication can help you to make the changes and you don't have to take them for ever just while you get back on your feet a little bit
Maybe tell yourself " Just for today " you will take one as one will not harm you and then the next day tell yourself the same again till eventually you are taking them and your confidence has grown that they will not harm you , feeling in control about the medication that it is your choice to take one each day can sometimes help the fear when it feels really bad
If no matter what you still feel you cannot just give them a try then go back and speak with your Doctor , be honest about how you feel , they could prescribe you another med even though they will also come with a leaflet with side effects ( but don't read it ) or if you feel medication is just not for you ask them about referring you for some kind of therapy even if you have had therapy before still ask to be referred as lots of people get well from anxiety with just having therapy
Let us know if you manage to take them and how you get on
Take Care x
Hi paka , I have general and social anxiety , I too was put on sertraline last year . 50mg to start with then 100mg a day after two weeks .i had no side effects apart from a rash on my face which is one of the side effects . I. Can understand your worried but trust me is the best medication I have Taken and still on them !
I'm a 36 year old female, serataline (Zoloft) is the only anitidepressant that works for me. I've been taking it for over 10 years, it really helps curb my anxiety and depression. I say give it try, side effects for me were minimal. If you're male this is an ssri and can cause ED. A good antidepressant helps and also look into therapy to learn coping skills. Happiness is a choice, with the right tools you can make it happen.
I was put on these early last year I have never felt so good!! I was on exeffor prior to this for a few years but always still felt low & would still have bouts of anxiety & depression., best thing that happened to me was Sertraline! I know we are all different but I cannot rate it highly enough changed my life ., good luck 😉
I had them and they helped me!! Only thing I would say is take them on a morning as they can interfere with your sleep. I also had vivid dreams but that stopped quite quickly.
I think its ok to be afraid to take meds. i have tried a bunch and I wont even say what happened to me. but I survived and am willing to try something else. i cant go on with out something to fix my chemical imbalance. Which i know is the problem.
Thanks everyone