Klonopin: Has anyone come off klonopin. I've... - Anxiety Support

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Has anyone come off klonopin. I've been taking 3mg for 41/2 years and now they want me to come off of it. I have severe anxiety and I'm afraid of the anxiety. I'm scared to come off.

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36 Replies

Good evening..hummmm., do you reside in the UK? You didn't say who wants you to stop klonopin or why. This there a treatment plan to help you withdraw from it or start another medication or plan of treatment?Are you scared, mainly because yu don't know what the treatment is if klonopin stopped? Or has no one exlained what happens next.....

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I'm scared of the anxiety. The fear. I reside in the us. I'm in partial hospitalization and they want me off and my family.

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Ok, I think I understand. The therapists and your family want you off the klonopin....is that what you are trying to say?

Are you going to be staying in the partial hospitalization program for awhile longer?

Think you need to talk to your therapist or doctor and your family how you feel. Maybe they don't really know you are afraid.

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Yes they do. Yes I'm going to stay there. But they are talking about detox

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I did but my psychiatrist told me I can't think that thought. If I could stop I would

I'm in partial hospitalization now and they want me off but I still have anxiety. I'm scared crying all the time. They decreased it by 1/4 of a pill.

Loveydovey0519 profile image
Loveydovey0519 in reply to

I'm currently coming off klonopin myself. I've been on it since Halloween and only 0.5mg a day although my prescription is for twice daily. My plan is to do 4 weeks at 3/4 of a 0.5 pill then 1/2 a 0.5 pill then 1/4 of a 0.5 pill. All decreases after 4 weeks. That might be too long but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Loveydovey0519

Great idea Loveydovey0519, slow but safe and never having to go backwards..

Good Luck

jessiejakes profile image
jessiejakes in reply to Loveydovey0519

Always best to reduce medication slowly.I take diazepam 2 mg as and when required some weeks I only take 2 x half a tablet so that's only 1 mg this just takes the edge of my anxiety.but some weeks I might take 3 or 4 x2 mg.at the moment I am taking one 2 mg at bedtime as awaiting to see specialist about lump under tongue so anxiety is high.but once this is sorted out I will reduce to half a tablet at night for week then half a tablet every other night for week and so on under the dose goes back to every now and then.well done you by the way .

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to jessiejakes

jessiejakes, I just wanted to wish you good luck with the specialist. I see one on occasion as well as for extractions. They are the best. x

jessiejakes profile image
jessiejakes in reply to Agora1

Thank you I'm just so worried what this lump is .but trying to get through the waiting game.and I live on my own so no one to tell me not to worry .

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to jessiejakes

Don't worry jessiejakes, you will be okay! :)

in reply to Loveydovey0519

But I'm on three mgs

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Ok, we got off subject about you. No doctor is going to reduce you by large amounts at a time. You're going to be ok. As you can read, others in this venue have had their medication reduced without increasing their anxiety because of it. You may have some anxiety to cope with just due to your mental health situation.

But you will still be in the program with therapist to help you learn how to cope with that.

You wrote your medicine has been reduced by 1/4 of a pill. How many mgs is your pill? You seem to be ok so far with the reduction of 1/4 of a pill. So take a few deep breaths and enjoy the fact you are doing ok with less medication so far. That's an accomplishment.

Hold your head up, be proud of that! You didn't need as much medication as last week!

You must be in more control of your feelings and life, and you must have done the "work" needed while being in the partial hospitalization program.

Can't you see? Be happy with yourself. You have done what is necessary to start taking more of your own life back without as much medication. This is a big deal! :)

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I'm scared of the anxiety. I take 3 mgs of lklonopin, 60 of cymbalta, 30 buspar. They want me to wean off klonopin or go to detox.

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Ok,so make a choice. Wean off klonopin or go to detox.

Looks like you still have two other medications to help with your anxiety and depression if you wean off klonopin.....but if you to detox, are they going to take you off the other meds too?

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I don't know

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Thank you for the encouragement. I really need it I'm so negative I'm struggling

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Your body and mind (brain) can only deal with so much medication at a time. Your doctors are the experts here, and they wouldn't want you to wean off klonopin if they didn't think it was the right thing to do. And just what makes you think you're going to have anxiety you can't handle once you stop klonopin? Did some one tell you that? Or are you just making that worry up in your mind? Please share your fear with your doctor and see what his/her response is, OK?


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When you have anxiety on the medication. Won't it be worse off of it.

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Sure they say it's very hard to get off of it

in reply to Loveydovey0519

I'm on 3 mgs for 41/2 years. I'm scared cry a lot but they want me to wean off or go to detox

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Trees2357, you are in a good position in weaning off Klonopin in that you are in partial hospitalization and they are monitoring the decrease. A decrease of 1/4 of a pill is safe plus you have Cymbalta & Buspar to smooth any rough patches. (Which I don't think you will have) I know how scared you are because I was too when I had to come off of high doses of Ativan after lengthy time. When something no longer works, it's time to get off the merry go round. In the long run you will feel better. You are in good hands with your doctor and therapists at the hospital. x

in reply to Agora1

Thank you for the encouragement. I scared because I still have bad anxiety.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I know you do Trees, Unfortunately there is no easy way around this. Once you have been off your med for a while, you will heal and feel so much better. This is the hardest part now. We will support you through this difficult time. x

in reply to Agora1

But I'm scared of the anxiety how will that work

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We know you are scared of having worse anxiety if you no longer take klonopin.

Has any one told you that will happen?

I believe, no matter what we say, you are not going to believe us.

So this is where trust comes in.

You are going to take chance on being weaned off klonopin gradually.

Trust your doctor. Take a leap of faith and show your bravery.

Wean off the klonopin.

No doctor would do that if he/she thought it would increase your anxiety.

Do you ever think about anything else besides klonopin? Seriously, what else do you do during the day? Tell us some more about yourself. Do you like fried chicken and biscuits and gravy?

What about water mellon? Cuban black beans and rice? I am particularly partial to home cooked Cuban black beans and yellow rice with hot sauce and malt vinegar.

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I am crying right now. They said it's very hard to get off klonopin. I will believe you tell me. I afraid because I still have anxiety and depression. I'm in a partial hospitalization program now

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You will be able to get off klonopin because the dosage is made smaller by a little amount at a time.

It's going to be ok. It is alright if you want to be scared of something you have never done before.

But just because you are scared doesn't mean it is going to hurt you. You are taking other medications that are very efective to help you. You may not even notice the klonopin is gone once it is lowered a little bit at a time.

Do you know what a hero is?

A hero is someone who does something even though they are scared.

I think you will be hero.

:) :):)

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I'm in a group therapy right now. I'm on 3 mg of klonopin for 4 years. I'm still having anxietyand fear. The doctor he wanted to give me more. The counselors said no. So the doctor cut it by 1/4of a mg so today she said she didn't even start yet and I said he cut it by 1/4ofa mg and she said that's not enough.

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Hi, can see that you would be concerned about the doctor and your therapist telling you two different opinions.

Is it possible for you to see your doctor and therapist together in one short meeting to straighten this out?

Can you ask your therapist that now, that you are a bit confused and afraid of exactly how much your klonopin is going to be reduced and what will happen to you?

I still think you are going to be fine, but know you feel scared. I would want the correct answer too.

Remember a hero is the person who does something even though he maybe scared.

I'm here, and there are other people in this venue too in case you write and I may not be in front of my computer to answer you. You can just do a post that you want to "talk" to someone.

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I was in a meeting with my counselor doctor husband and nurse. They said cut it down more and the doctor no not yet

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Yes, but that meeting was several days ago, wasn't it?

Can you get anther meeting so you can ask your questions?

in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much

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You're very welcomed. :)

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