I need help.: So I've already wrote about my... - Anxiety Support

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I need help.

14 Replies

So I've already wrote about my symptoms. Truth is that I scared my self when I first started again with these symptoms. Loud thoughts, Dp/dr, fear for no reason... and the list keeps going.

My first thought I thought about was oh no, I'm developing schizophrenia. Truth is, that thought scared me. I kept thinking about it and I felt like I was losing my mind. I started to think about what if I hear things or see things? And that thought scared me so much that I started making up voices in my head. The fear became intense, i couldn't concentrate at work because of this fear. Now I feel like I am really going crazy. There's times when I hear noice or hear someone talking I have to make sure that that's really happening. My hearing became so sensitive my, my thoughts became more louder, and I'm always wondering that if what I'm hearing is real or is it in my head? specially when it's a far away noice. On Friday I had the worst panic attack ever because I thought that I was hearing shit. It was so bad that I tried drinking water m and I couldn't because my hands were so shaky. My family doesn't think I'm developing schizophrenia, they think that I became so obsessed with that thought that I'm pretty much scaring my self everyday. Sometimes I convince my self that I'm good and that it's all in my head but there's times that I get the "what if" thoughts and I start panicking again. My ear is so sensitive I feel like I can hear more than usual. When I hear noices I feel like my Brian sends this thought about was that real or in your head? And it makes me feel some type of way. It's not hearing voices I say, it's more like my thoughts or random things going through me head not "sounding" like thoughts but sort of like a quiet inner ear kind of way sounding in my head.

I really want my normal life back and I can't I don't know what going on with me! And I don't see a counselor till next week :(

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14 Replies
HopingCat profile image

That's all normal symptoms of Dp/dr. My eyes and ears are sensitive and intense and everyone that has suffer with this hell could tell you that this is normal. Also the thoughts. The brain is just obsessing over every little thing and won't shut it. Obsessive thoughts are also a symptom of Dp/dr. My psychriatrist says that people develope schizophrenia at a young age unless you have a history of family members with it. Have you started drinking supplements? Like magnesium, omega, b12, multi vitamins and so on? Becaus you should.

in reply to HopingCat

Well one of my aunts has it and it scares me that I met have it too. No haven't tried any of that I've been trying to ignore it but sometimes I can't. I feel like I'm actually going crazy.

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to

Yeah when this started for me I thought I was going bat shit crazy but that thought goes away eventually. Your aunt developed that at an old age? You have all the symptoms of Dp/dr. Just stay off google. And really get some vitamins. If you don't want to take any medications the do it the natural way and give the brain what it needs. There's so many vitamins that help the brain. And there's obviously an imbalance in our brains.

in reply to HopingCat

She started when she was younger I guess she was depressed and she started having the symptoms. But she didn't get diagnose till later in life. I hate this tbh I just want to be normal again.

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to

Trust me I get it. I couldn't even function when this first started. I couldn't get out of bed, go outside, I couldn't even stand in one place for long. My thoughts wouldn't shut up. Just ramdeling on their own. The weird existence thoughts. It sucks but you have to do stuff to try to help yourself. You can't let it take over completely. Start drinking supplements especially the ones that are good for brain function. Slowly you will start feeling better. I am not cured but I can function WAY better than when this started. I was a a HOT MESS

Ashlyxo profile image
Ashlyxo in reply to HopingCat

What kind of supplements do you drink?

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to Ashlyxo

Are you struggling with this hell too? I drink magnesium, Mega food multi vitamin, omega cod liver oil, and b12

Ashlyxo profile image
Ashlyxo in reply to HopingCat

Unfortunately 😞 its so hard sometimes. I tried taking a b12 supplement but I panicked that it would cause side effects so I didnt take them again.. Just wondering if taking something through a drink would ease the panic since its not a pill.. Just didn't realize I could drink it.

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to Ashlyxo

B complex is what will spike up anxiety. You have to buy just b12. And honestly I'm willing to try anything to get out of this hell. I been stuck with this for over 3 months and I want my life back

Ashlyxo profile image
Ashlyxo in reply to HopingCat

5 years in and still looking for the 'miracle cure'.... I am seriously willing to try anything but trying new things makes me anxious that I will die from it..

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to Ashlyxo

Omg................5 years??? Wow.... have you taken any medication or anything that ease it up? Are you able to function? When it first started I wasn't able to function but now I can... did it come from severe anxiety?

Ashlyxo profile image
Ashlyxo in reply to HopingCat

Mostly with just anxiety and panic attacks. It comes and goes. I go on medication and I feel better and stop taking it cuz I think I don't need it and it comes back worse..

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to Ashlyxo

Ugh... I feel you on that medication. I hate it. Right now I am on amitriptyline and it's suppose to help with anxiety but it doesn't. Just helps me sleep. Anyways, I'm going to see a holistic doctor next month so I will share whatever she tells me.

Ashlyxo profile image
Ashlyxo in reply to HopingCat

Please do!! I would prefer not to take xanax 2x a day 😞

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