I am looking for a bit of inspiration because things seem hopeless. Is there anyone out there who has overcome health anxiety?
Has anyone overcoming Health Anxiety - Anxiety Support
Has anyone overcoming Health Anxiety

Hello. Well you are asking a good question. It is difficult to say absolutely whether or not we have overcome the illness until a certain amount has passed with no attacks. This illness is sneaky - it can hide for a long time and he suddenly appear again if it has not been properly dealt with first time around. But indeed there are many people who have made a full recovery from this illness.
In my own case I would say that I have not yet reached the point where I can confidently claim to be cured - I still get the occasional attack when i am not expecting it. But undoubtedly it is nothing near the level that it was a year ago. But then I was fortunate and immediately went into therapy when I realised what my illness was. I was also fortunate in having a partner who is a medical person and so also understood what was required for me to recover in the long term in terms of support. I know those two components are why I have been able to make progress more quickly than I would have done in different circumstances.
So my answer to your question is - yes this illness can be beaten with the correct treatment and enough time.

What are some tools u used to help my anxiety is so bad
I am managing it to control my fear of dying and getting or having a serious illness. I can't stop my brain to thing something had. I find it very hard to cope tbh. I'm scared all the times
My therapist reccommed a workbook Thoughts and Feelings" 4th ed. McCay.
I stii have anxiety but way less, no panic attacks, and that constant daily fear of dying is over in 2 weeks Now' I am trying to work past the fear of mysterious illness attacking me
I'm the exact same and feel.like I'm no breathing propley iv been suffering with this since November. I'm no way near as bad as I was but I single niggle or pain I'd I think what's that ys that happening. I lost my mum 4 years ago to cancer she was only 51. I'm so scared it's going to happen to me and my children r going to be left without a mum. Iv stopped smoking, drinking caffeine was never a big drinker anyway but not even had a drink since this started. Cos I'm so scared it will make it worse. I hate it.
I would say I'm 90% cured. It struck me down in August last year. But I never really got panic attacks, I had extreme stress. Mine was from thinking I had mouth cancer which then led me to google & over the next month & a half I had so many different things happening that I thought it was all over. It consumed me, I was looking/feeling for things that weren't there & then bam it actually started happening so I immediately thought I had whichever disease or problem that I had read about. But I eventually led myself to believing it was a health anxiety (never even knew they existed before I came across it on google). I actually watched a video that struck a cord for me personally. The guy said to unlearn everything you know about all the diseases you think you have. I stopped myself from searching on Google & thankfully my memory isn't the best anyway lol I just focused on keeping my mind busy & slowly I started to feel better bit by bit, day by day. All the different physical symptoms started disappearing & I used that to keep myself going in the right direction. I still get the odd thought but knowing how far I've come helps to get through that pretty quickly.
I believe you can take control of this & start your journey back to a normal life. Just start believing it yourself
You can do it take it day by day . I know it's hard if you need to talk please email
I had councilling for HA in 1995 and it did seem to disappear but since 2007 it's been slowly creeping back up on me and now I think I'm worse than I was when it all kicked off in 1995!
I try to remember what I was told back then but when you're in the middle of an 'episode' it's very hard.
I never had Dr Google back in the 1990's either and I know for a fact that, that fuel's my HA very badly.
I'm having deferment counselling now. As when lost mum I was pregnant with my youngest and everyone was Gemma think of the baby.. and that's what I did then been a mummy to a new baby and 4 years later it all hit me like a brick in the face. And now I believe I have ha. Iv never been scared of dieing. But now I am I'm scared one morning I'm not going to wake up and c my beautiful girls and they'll find me. Dark I no bit this is what goes tho my mind