scared to go to sleep bc of shortness of breathe.
scared to sleep : scared to go to sleep bc... - Anxiety Support
scared to sleep

James, nothing will happen to you but I think you would feel more comfortable in calming your breathing down before lying in bed for the night. Remember it is just your fear that is keeping the muscles tight in the diaphragm. Your lungs are more than capable of carrying oxygen and keeping you safe through the night. Without forcing your breathing, try taking some deep belly breathes and slowly release the air through you mouth saying calm or peace. Sit or stand straight when doing this, it will allow your chest to expand without crunching over. Once you feel your chest wall muscles open, then try lying down on a couple pillows in bed. Close your eyes and continue slowly deep breathing until you feel relax and drift off to sleep.
Try your best to stay awake. When your body is tired, you will sleep and you won't be able to stop yourself from dropping off.
Beevee, My original blue book of Dr Weekes has seen it's day so I ordered a paperback of her book that came with a CD. I really enjoy listening to her and am amazed how I hear things I missed the first or second time around. It never gets old.
Thanks y'all i just been scared to sleep bc im afraid of not waking up bc of shortness of breathe
Jamescrider2, have you seen a doc about shortness of breathe? A pulmonalgist can check your lungs and may be you need an inhaler to open up your lungs?