After well over a year of suffering with chest pain and a number of other horrible symptoms.. I think I have finally come to the agreement with my doctor that I do have health anxiety.. and omg how much better have I felt these last few days after admitting this to myself!
I've had months of being petrified to be on my own as something mite happen to me (heart attack) and no1 be around to help me...
months of dreading nighttime as i wud get into bed exhausted but lay wide awake for hours zoning in on all my pains thinking this is it , I need to call for an ambulance .....
I honestly thought no1 in the world felt the way I do.. but after joining this site... reading that others do feel jus like me and reading anxiety books I have started to feel a lot better!
I've hardly had any pain since Tuesday as if I've felt "an attack" coming on I've tried to convince myself that it's jus anxiety.. and it's not going to beat me! Rather than letting it control me and me getting into such a state I cud never see me being the real me ever agen .. I've controlled it!!!!!!
This is a massive start for me, I've avoided all dairy this week as I've found that upsets my digestive system which makes my anxiety worse .. and gone Bk to the gym!
I've kept my mind busy on other things and kept telling myself I can do this.. and I really have felt completely different!!!!
Fingers crossed this is a new start for me! Health anxiety is our mind convincing us we have an illness... I am now convincing my mind I am stronger than the lies it tries to tell me!!!!!!!!
Pain can not last forever! We will get better!!!!