Anyone here take xanax ? I have a generic brand called Kalma .5 mg and am to take when needed . But the way I have been feeling wondering if I can take it every day ??
Xanax: Anyone here take xanax ? I have a... - Anxiety Support
Hi Jodz, I use to take it every day because my anxiety was severe. However, your doctor needs to know that or you will run out of your prescription very fast since he said "as needed". The other thing is that the doctor may not want you getting dependent on Xanax. It certainly sounds like you need something right now to break that fear cycle. Wish you well Jodz.
Agora1 thanx yer I'm going through hell ATM and have no idea why ? The last fortnight I prob been taking every third day sometimes second , but just wasn't sure about everyday as I have read some real horror stories about it , see there I go again worried about what it will do to me arrgg!! Off to Drs in an hour so will def ask . Thanx again
Yes I was on xanax 0.5 as needed well mine where so bad the first two weeks even in two 3rd I was taking ever day I hate meds but they helped when I couldn't help my self and I don't want to be on meds so I haven't had one in 4 or 5 weeks I still have anxiety but it's not as bad no where near as bad Thank God I know that if it wasn't for the meds and God and a few family members and a great go and nurse I would of went crazy I had no support system so I made one I found a great GP I mean he told me if u need to come to the office ever day to get your oxygen checked come on My anxiety is bout me breathing and a few other health problems but I also just quit smoking 8 weeks ago when this started again I know that I thought I was gonna die I thought I was smothering and my lung clasped and my heart was bad it's been a wild ride that's for sure but I all so know with all the test they have done my hearts good no asthma great ct scan and good lung xrays and I still worry it will go away that's what I am holding on to good luck and sorry to ramble on it's nice to hear other people's story's sometimes it gives u hope for tomorrow
Bluswife thanx and yer I have had days that I took xanax . They are great and def help . I have tried so much other medication and the side effects are shocking just can't cope so don't go there except for the xanax . Support is everything and sometimes I find my Dr is like here we go again .
Your not rambling on at all , I think it's great that we can get on here and talk to each other and swap out anxiety issues .😀👍
Yea they helped but to me it's putting a bandaid over the anxiety I don't want mine to win so I am faceing it head on and Lord be with me cause I am so over this off and on all day oh God can I breath I feel like I can't but my oxygen is always 97 98 99 100 mostly 98 99 100 so I know I am getting it oh yea my neck started throbbing today and I thought I was going to have a heart attack or stoke yea that's how my days been ugh ready for bed but still have a lil underlying anxiety so let's see . Good luck to all and God bless everyone of y'all.
I went into town today and went into a shop and felt so so wonky as if I was going to fall . Hate it and I was like yep what ever and tried to fight it , but god I can't .