Last few days my anxiety has been pretty elevated. I asked my Dr if taking 3 of the 0.5 mgs of Xanax a day would be ok. I’m just afraid of creating a habit. Any advise. Thank you. Samson
Xanax : Last few days my anxiety has been... - Anxiety Support

Sometimes we get into a what’s known as a ‘panic state’ and xanax is very good for kind of knocking it out of our systems. I used xanax for a few weeks back last year & was absolutely fine when I stopped them. Let them give your body a rest. I was on the same dosage as you. I wish you peace x
Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. And yes they do give me peace. Samson
Then stick with them and let your body recover from the anxiety. I was on them for 6 weeks in total and had no problems coming off them once my confidence had returned. You will be just fine. Go with what the Dr says and when it comes to tapering follow their advice & all will be ok. I’m glad to hear you are getting some peace from them xx
I definitely feel normal while on them. But you know Xanax has that stigma attached to them. I think they’re a great med for those like us who do suffer from this freakin dreadful disease. Thanks for your support. Samson
They do have a huge stigma attached to them & I was the very same as you at first. I have a friend who has been on them for 10+ years and says she doesn’t care about addiction she just wants a quality of life. I think the horror stories are when people are taking high amounts just to get ‘high’ not to actually stop anxiety. I certainly never felt ‘high’ when I took them.
We are here for a good time, not a long time so be blessed with your peace. Addictions come in all walks of life. Gambling, caffeine, gym, alcohol, narcotics etc. Take care of yourself x
I am so glad to read what you wrote here. I have been in a 'panic state' for the past several weeks. I can take a half of a Xanax and it calms me down and makes me feel like myself again. I too was worried about using them too much, though I do try to be careful. It makes sense that your body would need a rest from the stress and tension of anxiety attacks.
Thank you.
I was on that dosage a year ago when my anxiety was at its worst. Now i just use them as needed for panic attacks. What i learned bc i was worried about becoming addicted to them is that most of the time when you are worried about being addicted odds are you won’t let yourself become addicted to them or at least that’s what happened to me. I was suppose to be on them for 3 months 3xs a day but after a month i went down tj 2x a day on my own
I agree with the previous comments. I've been prescribed Xanax for 25 years and go thru different phases. Anxiety high=2-3 Xanax 0.5/day. Anxiety low=60 day script lasts 4-6 months. The only times I've had an issue with Xanax was when I went out of town for a week and forgot to bring it along. Knowing I didn't I have it for anxiety has caused me anxiety-even though I wasn't taking ANY at the time. Good luck with everything!!
what town do you live in?
In Pickerington ( google heroine addiction in Pickerington )
they will only give us 7-12 tabs 1x per year.
They "offer" Atarax the antihistamine, as an alternative.
The folks who are sincerely trying to live a quality life with anxiety "running" in the background never get a chance, in this town.
You might not need 3 of the half milligram as that much will basically put you to sleep. I've been taking a half milligram most mornings and the then another half milligram before bed. I've been doing these for about 10 years and they have really helped with my anxiety. You are lucky to find a doctor who will give you these as most want to prescribe he weaker benzodiazepines that last longer and hang on you all the day. Best of luck dealing with your problems. I doubt a small dose will addict you but it's very easy to think you need more and then do an extra. You do not want to do that as the larger doses can become habit forming very quickly.
Take them if you really NEED them but don't take MORE that you actually need. For anxiety a half milligram ought to work ok...maybe do two if you are really freaking out. Do too much and they could cause a worse attack.
It could. You need to see dr monthly..take temporarily.. ....and then get off of it under Dr care
I think Xanax gets a bad rap. It is great for managing our anxiety. I take as needed. Sometimes you need to take it everyday for a bit to better manage the anxiety and then I just stop taking it for a while. There is not really a science to it-- in the sense everyone is different. I have my episodes and I take a small dosage every 5-6 hours to keep it managed. Then I can go a while without it. I think it really does help.
I totally agree. I’m the same way. I’ve taken it on and off for many years. I think it does get a bad rap especially when people abuse it and take it with alcohol etc. I’m prescribed the 0.5 to take 3x a day as needed. I’ll go for a while without using them then all of a sudden I need to take them. Samson.
Exactly. My doctor actually prescribes to me take up to 2 (.5 mg per day) but I can usually manage with 1 or not at all. I have been told to try not to count pills, but I do keep a log on a calendar of when I take the medication. A nurse friend of mine told me that I need to treat the symptoms to better manage them. This may mean that you need to take a dosage for a few days or a week and then you feel better and can ease back. Anxiety will NEVER completely disappear but everyone has different way to manage it. I have a doctor that is very nice about prescribing xanax, but I think for a few reasons (in may case)--
I have been very HONEST about my anxiety with him and I do see a therapist. I have been going to the same doctors office for almost 20 years. He has only been prescribing the xanax for the last 3 years. He, unfortunately, saw me with a major panic episode once and knows what it can do to me. (crazy bp and heartrate). So I think its really up to the patient to be honest with their doctor and let the doctor decide if this is the right treatment. I am still always concerned about addiction, but i dont nearly take it enough to be addicted. I have tried antidepressants and they really dont work for me and we (doctor and myself) decided that this was the best course of treatment.
I totally agree. I’m battling right now through severe depression and my Dr has tried new meds to see if they’ll help, but to be honest I don’t like the side effects of these anti depressants. I’ve been taking Xanax for over 25 years, and to be honest it’s the only medication that actually makes me feel normal. I know Xanax can be addicting but I’ve always been very careful to only take it when I needed them. Right now I’ll take at the most maybe 3 of the 0.5 mgs in a day. Right now I’m taking 1 in the AM then I’ll take a half in the evening. I’ve suffered with OCD all my life and I do feel that some meds do help me with that, but so far not with my depression. Samson
I am glad to hear you manage it. Do you use the Xanax to function better during the day? I mean that I try to make an effort to exercise or get out more when I take it to really maximize the use of it (although during really bad episodes it can be tough). I dont want to really just sleep and let it make me drowsy.
I do exercise. I’ve been a weightlifter all my life, so I’ll train 3 to 4x a week. I do train if I take a Xanax, It does make a person a bit drowsy, but when I train I try to listen to powerful music and push myself through it. Their are days when my depression is out of control and I don’t want to get out of bed, I hate those days, I’ll cry, and feel total despair. I have a little girl, she’s just 7 years old, she’s my world, so I have to be strong. Their were a couple of days last month when I took 3 Xanax a day just to feel normal. Samson
Hi Samson, how's it going? Were you able to make your support meeting
on Thursday evening? One day at a time, you'll get through this. Remember we are only a message away. You're never alone
Hello. No I didn’t go, I did see my therapist yesterday which always helps. He knows about my daughter leaving with her mom for 14 days. He wants me to use this time to do the things I normally can’t do when she’s with me. I do spend a lot of time with her. I tried meditating today but I just couldn’t do it. How are things with you? Thank you for reaching out. Samson
I agree with your therapist in using this time to do things you normally can't. As for meditation and not being able to get into it today, it happens. I find that when I am super wound up, I can't for the life of me get into it as well. And I do meditation multiple times a day. What I usually do then is go back to it when I'm a little more relaxed cause after all it is an accumulative practice that works. Take care Samson.
If you don’t mind me asking, do you also suffer from anxiety? Depression? Samson
Big Time anxiety.. I was on 0.25mg Xanax for 30 years. When it no longer worked for me was replaced with Ativan which didn't compare. After than I slowly was weaned off all benzos. Benzo free for 5 years now but still on Lexapro.
No, I'm not. Had to quit Paramedics. Wanted to pass my success with anxiety to others and happen to find this great support group. Been 3 years now, 7 days a week.