Anyone else feel the dizziness lightheaded feeling out of nowhere... They gonna think im crazy back to the doctors! also scared to take zooloft so they gunna ask why im not taking it.i feel i might have reaction...
Anxiety dizziness: Anyone else feel the... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety dizziness

I am the same it's horrible I don't want to take my medication either coz it scares me and I will have a reaction too
I think exactly the same a hate any type of medication a rarely take Paracetamol let alone other meds. I've never had anything for 8 year since I first had anxiety. I'm always dizzy of balance feel like I'm sinking tired weak etc

Wow you have been feeling dizzy off balance everyday for 8 yrs?
Just think all these medications these days come with leaflets with all the side effects on etc. But years ago there was no such thing you got them in a brown bottle just with a sticky label telling you your dosage crazy world x
Hey Rayray....
It's totally normal for people to be worried about taking medication that can affect their brain chemistry. I tried Zoloft and it made me feel sick to my stomach, my friend tried it and he was only mostly sane because of it. Remember, you might not feel well for a bit on them,. but something WILL work for you at some point. You have a lot of company here that have felt the same way.
Yes last week I had dizziness due to stress of mocks