Anyone have any tips on getting to work? I suffer from ibs as well so I often throw up before I go to work. I get extremely worked up and I often have to call out.
Getting to work : Anyone have any tips on... - Anxiety Support
Getting to work
Hello my lovely, I often throw up and have to work too what kind of job you doing ?
I cashier and also do aid work at a nursing home. I recently graduated college and can't really find a better job right now. What kind of work do you do
It great you are pushing through !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be really, really strong do both jobs and both facing really big challenges! Should be proud of yourself. I am doing HR and sometimes is just **********************.
Thank you for that I was having a really rough day today and got to read your message on my break. Sometimes it's hard cause people don't understand how hard it is just to come to work some days. It really is an accomplishment some days
Of course they won't understand, they will say bullshit like "ahh be positive" ,"it will pass" etc. that's why we have each other now
I've had to be off work now. Mornings don't do it for me at all. Have you tried to find evening work. I know many with fibro that just don't function in the am
Evenings are better but still give me problems at times. The problem with my job is they pretty much require mornings. I finally asked them to stop having me be the 7am person but now they just have me in at 8 which hasn't helped much.
for me both are crap, can't make my mind up which is worse lol